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As he put the gun to my head and I sat on my knees I could only think of one thing

Will they bleach the floor or would it ruin the cement below, if they don't bleach it will they just use soap and water to wash my blood away?

I doubt that would get it out

If I stain the wall or floor I would be here forever, a constant reminder of the girl they killed

Would I be art?

I have always wanted to be an artist I suppose

I distracted myself with meaningless questions so I would stay calm

"You still won't talk? You're that determined to protect your team?"

"They are my brothers, my family Bonderav. You wouldn't get it"

"Oh, I get it, the guards you killed, the people you murdered in that air base? They were like family to me"

"Please they couldn't be any more than tools to you"

I felt a pair of hands on my head

I was thrown to the side by my hair

"Killing you...." he paused for a moment

"Would be too easy"

He took the blindfold from my eyes, my eyes burned and he looked down at me

He was so much taller than me

"I'll show you real torture"

He grabbed my arms

Pinned me against the floor

I knew what he was doing

My heart raced, this was worse than death

"Stop! Stop it don't do this!"

He laughed and mumbled something in Russian

I felt the back of my shirt lift and his hand pushed down on my back

I cried out and tried to get away, dirt getting into my wounds, stinging and burning at every movement

My body felt like it would pass out, it slowed but I couldn't stop.

He flipped me over and put his knee on my stomach

I could hardly breathe

My shoulders were exposed on the concrete I was sweating but freezing at the same time

"JUST KILL ME!" I screamed one last time in an attempt to get him off of me

My vision went black

I didn't want to pass out I couldn't

I couldn't do this





Please help me

Suddenly my vision regained, I held my breath and pushed him off me I screamed and cried

I kicked him but he shielded himself every time, grabbing my torn and dirty shirt I put it on and backed myself into a corner

"I will break you, girl"

"Like hell" I cried my voice raspy

"I'm halfway there already," he said slamming the door behind him

He left his knife

I don't know if my team is coming back for me

I don't know if they even know where we are

Siberia is too cold for me anyway, taking the knife and dragging it along my hand first to test the sharpness

I couldn't even feel it

I held it to my neck

I was about to

The door slammed open
"You psycho!" 3 men and one woman ran into the room

I was restrained and the knife taken

My release was impossible

After they got the knife away the girl brought me a sandwich and water

"Eat, you are like stick" she spoke in broken English

My lips were chapped and I didn't have the energy to talk anymore

My reflection in the metal tray showed my eyes were dark and sunken in

She stayed with me the whole time

"Ma'am how long have I been here"

"4 days, you keep fainting, you haven't eaten"

I lifted the glass to my mouth, shaking and almost dropping the glass

The women sighed

"What your name?" she asked


"Your real name"


"My name is Arina"


"Because I have to watch you now, you try to kill self" she pointed at me

"I'm not going to call your girl for the rest of your stay"

I silently ate, my stomach hurt and I felt like I could puke

I lay back, I felt heavy it hurt

Everything hurt

I awoke to gunfire

"Backup! BACKUP" I heard voices outside and metal being hit

More gunfire followed by screaming in Russian.


She sat there still

"Your friends come get you, good"

She backed up and opened the door, bodies lay piled up

"I tell price you here, you are burden" she said again

I heard a explosion and I felt safe even with fire around me

They were here they actually came to get me

I was safe

"Shes in here!" I heard that Scottish accent I used to hate

"Stalker were coming" Price's voice cut through

My vision was blurry

I finally let my guard down

"You came"

"We did kid, your safe" I stood and Soap put his arm under mine supporting me the whole way down

Alejandro waited at the bottom for me

His face lit up when he saw me

"Alejandro I want to see the stars again"

"I can do that"

834 words

all fair in love and war  (mw2 x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz