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This world is normal. 

It's a normal world. No interruptions . No weird smells (mostly). Not too noisy. Not too dark. Not too light. It's only, and only, just a normal world.

Well, except for the children crying for the most ridiculous reasons. The teenagers spray painting the dead-looking walls. Adults cursing after being evicted. Elders dying in hospitals. People buying illegal drugs. Slitting their wrists. Screaming into pillows. Ripped textbooks and homework on the floor. Plates smashed. People murdered.

It's just a normal world. 

This has been happening for so long, it's already been considered normal years ago. 

Some people just haven't been exposed to what is normal. Some people think normal is amazing. Some think it's boring. Some think it's bad. Some think it's good.

But, normal isn't anything. It's just...normal. Neutral. Fair. Ordinary. Everyday. Every second. Every minute. Everything. Everything is normal, because it has happened, and what happens is supposed to happen. It's normal.

 I honestly think that everyone is normal, in their own way.

Yes. You are normal. Completely normal. 

Whether you get offended or not, then that is up to you. I don't know what you think about when you think of the word normal. I don't know what you think exactly. (Could you comment on what you think normal means for you?)

When someone calls you normal, what do you think? What do you feel? If you don't know exactly, do you know whether it's good or bad? Why do you think that? Is it your own word or someone else's? Because your own words are the most important thing to you. The most powerful thing you can have is your word. Your own. It's yours. Don't put somebody else's word in your mouth or head. 

If you don't want something, you say so. Say it. You don't even have to say it to anyone. You could say it to yourself. Make your choices clear for yourself. Make sure that you know what it is you want exactly. It's really important. Because for your word to be true and come from deep down, you need to know that you want it. That you want to say it. That you want to be heard.

That's normal.

Now, normal doesn't mean you are like everyone else. Nobody is like anybody. You may be alike or complete opposites. That's normal. Completely and utterly normal.

Seriously. It's completely normal for you to want something you can't have. Shouldn't have. Shouldn't want. Everyone is like that. But you are not everyone. 

Remember, everyone just means 'all people'. It does not, and I mean does not, mean 'all you's'. Everyone means people. People isn't a group of you. It's a group of completely different people. Completely different humans with completely different personalities. Everyone is so different yet it's a word that combines us all. 

We are just humans after all.

Some people get offended when they are called normal. If you get offended when you get called normal, why so? Why does it make you mad? Do you think it's an offensive term? Do you think it means 'boring' or 'basic'? Because it doesn't. I promise you it doesn't. 

Normal has so many meanings, it isn't normal. Yes, normal isn't normal. Yes, I know that's so confusing. And yes, I will explain.

Normal can mean, original. Old. Something that happens all the time. Not surprising etc etc.

I really do hope you don't think of normal as a bad word. Because it really isn't, and I would hate to know that anyone has negative feelings because they have been called normal. I wouldn't suggest calling someone normal in case you might hurt their feelings, but if you get called normal, I want you to know that it's okay. That it doesn't mean you're any less important than anyone, because you're not.

I know that I obviously do not know you, but that doesn't mean that I don't care. Because I do. No matter who or where you are, I care. I care about everyone and that does not mean I don't have time for other people, because I do. I have so much time for you and so much time for everyone else. And yes, I do have time for myself. I don't sleep for other people.

I love listening to people's opinions. Could you tell me yours? What was your opinion on the word normal before and what's your opinion now? If it stays the same, then that's completely fine. That's completely normal. I don't expect to change people's perspectives, never. I don't think I could ever change the way people see the world. I just wanted you to understand yourself and to think of all the little things. Even if it's just a word, you can make it so much better. You can give it a whole new meaning that still makes sense, or doesn't make sense at all. 

But something that you shouldn't do, is compare yourself to other people. Never do that. Ever. Because you are not other people. You are not the people in everyone. You are not the people in 'all people'. You are yourself. You are you. You have your own name, your own identity, your own personality, your own lifestyle, your own routine, your own family. You have your own soul. No two souls match. So, comparing yourself with other people is a complete waste of time and breath and thought because it isn't fair. It isn't fair to you, your thoughts, your body, your word or your soul. It completely shatters everything that makes sense, comparing yourself to other people. 

So please don't.

We are all still small, old or young. We are all still learning. And we can all accomplish big things, no matter who we are. 

Take Neil Armstrong as an example. That dude walked on the freaking moon. Can you imagine that? That's crazy! Imagine walking on the moon, with your boots and helmet and flag of your country in your hand, saying something super wise and cool. What would you say? Armstrong said, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." and that's so true! He just took one small, teeny tiny step on the moon, and it led to chaos. (The good kind)

But there are so many other really cool things us humans have created! Like, glasses! Wheelchairs! The internet! Cars! Aeroplanes! Even freaking buildings are cool, though they are really tall.

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