Chapter thirty-five

Start from the beginning

From: Harry <3

5 minutes left!!!! Wanna do something after school? xx

I smile, realizing how excited he is to get out of this Hell hole, too. I reply to him, saying that sure, I'd love to.

"Ahm, Mr. Tomlinson? Is there anything you'd like to share with the class?" the teacher says, clearing his throat. He narrows his piercing grey-blue eyes at me. Creases and wrinkles cover his face and make him appear older than he really is. His hair is a faded shade of brown and his chapped lips are parted slightly. I gulp.

"No. . ." I mutter. My throat clenches tight and makes it hard to breathe.

"Care to read the text out loud? Or I'll do it for you." he threatens. Kids snicker around the classroom and my cheeks turn a bright shade of red. Oh no. All eyes glue onto me, staring at me like a hawk.

"I, uh, just-" I stutter, but am interrupted by the bell sounding off. I sigh in relief.

"Saved by the bell, Mr. Tomlinson. You're lucky." the teacher says, a soft smile played across his mouth. He says goodbye to the class and I shovel my books into my bag and race out of the classroom, desperate to get away.

I wipe away a thin layer of sweat from my forehead. That was close.

I walk up to my locker, through the crowded hallway filled with chattering teenagers. I toss all of my notebooks and folders carelessly into it. I don't think I'll need any of that over winter break.

I close my locker, making the metal shake and give off a loud banging sound. I look to my left, where the locker door was previously located, and nearly jump when a face appears next to me. I put my hand over my chest and mutter various curse words.

"Fuck, Harry! You scared me!" I yelp.

"Sorry, babe. Didn't realize that you hadn't seen me. I've been standing here for a while!" he admits.

I roll my eyes at his childishness and swing my backpack over my shoulder. We walk together down the hall and make our way to the school lobby.

"So, what do you want to do? You mentioned going on a date or something?" I ask.

"Actually, I have something planned. I've been planning it for a while now. I was going to wait until your birthday, but I can't." he says, smiling brightly at me.

"What? Tell me!" I squeal, tugging at his jumper.

He chuckles and pulls away from me, "It's a surprise."

"Tell me!" I whine.

"I can't." Harry says strictly. I sigh deeply and he laughs. We walk out to the parking lot and he clutches onto my hand tightly. We get to his car and I climb into the passenger's seat. He starts up the car and turns up the heaters. He reminds me to buckle my seat belt and then tells me to close my eyes.

"Why?" I groan.

"Like I said before, it's a surprise." Harry laughs.

"But why-"

"Just close your damn eyes, Lou." he says, tilting his head in frustration. Against my own will, I close my eyes. I ask probably one hundred questions in the car, regarding where we're going and why. He never answers me. He keeps quiet and constantly make sure that my eyes are closed. I grumble in annoyance. Why can't he tell me?

After about twenty minutes, we come to a stop.

"Can I open my eyes now?" I ask.

"Under one condition," Harry says, "You have to promise not to freak out."

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