ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 7 [•ᴜsᴊ•]

Start from the beginning

"Sir! May I ask what is this about?" Sero asks while rasing his hand

"Rescue Training for natural disasters like floods." Aizawa explains to the class

"Rescue... This is another tough one." Denki says with a slight frustration in hks voice

"Yup!" Mina says excitingly

The whole class begun chattering to one another stating thing how hard it'll be or its so hero like.

"I'm not finished yet." Aizawa says getting the class to shut up and then adds "You can pick whatever costume you want. There will be some special costume inside too. Training area is a bot far so we'll take the bus. That's all. Get ready now."


(Sans's POV)

The others went and took their costumes as I simply took mine and used a shortcut, waving bye to Shift and Stretch to which indicates that I'll do something at the moment. I then went to Aizawa and said "Hey sir, about the whole press breaking in kind of ordeal."

"So what about it?" Aizawa says to me lazily

"well I might have found the actual culprit.." I sheepishly said to him while shrugging

"What? So who is it" Aizawa says impatiently looking somewhat serious

"here." I says as i handed photos and stuff, for evidences.

"You... were at the rooftop?" he questions me while inspecting the evidences that I presented

"Yep." I casually says while nodding and placing my hands within the pockets of my hood

"Why do they want the schedule of our events and minor stuff?" Aizawa asks while being confused

"Beats me" I says giving a shrug

"I'll take the photos as evidence. Anyways thanks kid." Aizawa says to me as he took the photos I had.

"M'kay" I lazily says

"Go and wear your costume already I'll just give this to the principal" Aizawa says while he walks away heading to the principals office

I then used a shortcut on my hero costume that I had in hand and shortcut it to myself. Afterwards I shortcut my clothes to my locker and used yet another shortcut to the bus.


(Third person POV)

Some time later the students arrives at the bus only to see Sans standing on the side of the bus leaning towards it. The others go and ignores him but

"He's sleeping again huh?" Stretch says with an unbothered look

"Yeah, seems like it." says Shift and then adds while walking towards Sans "I'll wake him up"

"Sure, go ahead" Stretch replied to Shift

Shift went in front of Sans and held him by his shoulders and starts shaking him quite vigorously and aggressively back and forth, to the point his head was literally basically hitting the walls of the bus.

"Ow... That hurts..." Sans says quietly while he held his head at the point of impact

"Well you were sleeping I obviously had to wake you up. You were sleeping again." Shift says with a kind of a bruh face.

"Get on, 1-A! Please form two according to your number and get on the bus in an orderly fashion" Lida says seemingly being hyped by his position

Karmatic Trio (Bad time trio x BNHA) Where stories live. Discover now