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Hey Guys!! This is just a quick one-shot!! Please read the AU at the end!

Brynne POV:

"I'm bored!!!!" Aru said for about the 10000th time today. Let me explain. Aru, Mini, Aiden, Rudy, and I were hanging out at the museum. Nikki and Sheela are going out today, so they couldn't come. "Wow, the one time we don't have a quest and we are free, we DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!" Mini said. This surprised me. Mini never loses her control. Never ever. So when she got frustrated with such a little thing, it shocked everyone. "Sorry guys, I'm just....." Mini started to explain when Aiden cut her off. "It's ok Mini. We all are kinda frustrated and very bored." "You know what!! I am making lasagna. For everyone. To eat." I said, and I disappeared into Aru's kitchen.

Rudy POV:

"What if I gave you a tour of one of my many castles!!" I started to say, with such a happy look on my face, before Aru interrupted my very kind suggestion by saying "That is a GREAT idea Rudy, but what if we use the Anywhere Elevator to go on a trip!!" I was kinda sad that she interrupted me, but to be honest, her idea was kinda better. Plus, if I told her, it was just feeding her ego. " I like that idea Aru!!" Aiden said. Of course, Aiden agrees with her. My butthead of a cousin is head-over-heels in love with her. She could say the most stupidest thing ever, and he would still agree.

From the kitchen, I could hear Brynne agree with us. "Yea, I like that Aru. Didn't we go on the Anywhere Elevator to get to?" Mini asked. "Yea!! I think we did Mini!" I said. I don't know why I was so happy though. I mean, she is super smart and she has an amazing memory, but it's not like I like her or...... "RUDY!!" Aiden yelled in my face. (A.N. Sure you don't Rudy... sure you don't.) "Are you listening??" Serpent Scales, I must have zoned off. "Sorry Cuz, what were we talking about??" Aiden pinched the bridge of his nose like he always does when he is annoyed at me. I don't know how anyone can be annoyed at me, I am AMAZING!

"We were talking about where we should go for our vacation!"

Aiden said, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Where do you all wanna go?" I asked. Aru was probably about to say something mean, so Mini cut her off, with a glare towards her. "Aru, don't be mean," Mini said and smiled a genuine smile at me. I don't know why but it made me feel giddy inside. It's not like she likes me or anything, right!! "—ying, Aru, and Brynne want to go to the beach, Aiden wants to go to the mountains, and I want to go the plague pits and catacombs in London!!" Mini said, ending off in a surprisingly giddy note. (A.N. Anyone get the reference!!!) I didn't catch that first part, but I understood most of it. Wow, Mini can be dark sometimes. But I still love——wait what?? Where did that come from??? I guess everyone could see my face go from smiley to confusion, so I quickly smiled and said "First of all, what's the beach, mountains, and London?? Second, I want to go to Disney World!!" I said with a huge grin on my face.

Aru POV:

'Ughhhhhh,' I thought. Rudy doesn't know anything!! How is Mini so patient with him!! Also, why does Rudy look so giddy every time he is with Mini!! Hmmm... I have to ask him later. Anyway, right now Mini and Aiden are explaining to Rudy what the beach, mountains, and London are. And how does he know what DisneyWorld is???? Probably Sheela. "The beach is a place with sand and sea, where you can make sandcastles or play in the waves." " The mountains are large rocks that are huge to form mountain ranges and stuff!! You can go camping or hiking!!" "London is a very popular city!! It has the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and it is French!!" Wayyyyyy too many overlapping voices. I could even hear Brynne's exasperated groans!! Suddenly, all the explaining stopped with a "LASAGNA'S READY!!" We all piled into the dining room and ate mouth-watering amazing lasagna. Suddenly, I had an idea. "I KNOW WHERE WE SHOULD GO FOR OUR VACATION!!!!"

Hey Guys!! Where do you think they are going to go?? I will probably do a Part 2 of this so...... yea. Also, for those of you who are wondering about Secret Notes, I am currently drafting Part 4, and that will be the last part! There will be more stories though! It should be out soon! Well, see you in the next part!

-- Puppy!

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