Never Lose Hope

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"You have cancer."
Three words echoed through the empty hospital walls. I felt my heart drop to my stomach.
I was nine years old. Nine. No more, no less. Nine.
I remember my mom, falling to her knees with a soft, thump. My dad cradled her and kissed her temple ever so slightly. Suspense stirred thickly in the air. I managed a breath or two before clasping on my side, followed by a heavy stream of tears.

But that was six years ago.

Hi, I'm Emily Peterson. Stage Four leukemia patient at the City of Hope Cancer Treatment Hospital in Southern California.
Though the past six years have been rough. My mom is constantly nagging me to "Never lose hope" but what she doesn't know is that I lost it six years ago in a small waiting room in Louisville, Kentucky.
Who knew three words could last a life time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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