"Luka, I swear to God –" Before Marinette could finish talking, she felt herself lose her footing.

In her heist to get away from Adrien's field of vision, her foot had become entwined with a rope on the side of the boat causing her to fall forwards and smack straight into Luka. The speed and strength of the collision, knocking her friend off balance and causing him to stumble towards the edge.

Marinette could only describe the next few moments as slow motion. Where she'd managed to gain her footing and straighten up, Luka had continued to move backwards and towards the lip of the boat.

He wasn't stopping — his eyes widening a little more millisecond by millisecond.

Instead, his feet left the floor as his bottom collided with the wooden edge, sending him backwards, over the edge and into the water.


"Oh my God, Luka!" She couldn't see him. He'd disappeared completely underneath, submerged into the depths of the Seine. "Luka?" she harshly whispered. "Luka?"

With a loud gasp, and a shampoo commercial worthy hair flip, Luka reappeared from under the water and she could feel herself breathing again. Thank god!

"Luka?" she shouted down. "Are you okay? Oh – um – April fools."

Pursing his lips, he spat the water out of his mouth like a fountain, his eyes burning into her with clear indication he wanted to know what the hell that was all about.

Meanwhile, everyone who'd heard the splash were making their way over — Adrien Agreste included. Marinette winced knowing full well Luka had every single right to drop her in it right now. To let one of her boss' know what an idiot she was and therefore fire her there and then on the spot with no need for her to move to London anyway.

She could just go home, unpack and allow Tikki to console her the way she had many times. Maybe she'd even go and see Chat Noir? He gave great hugs after all.

"Luka, are you okay?" Nino and Adrien leaned over the side and shouted down to their aqua haired friend.

She... was... going... to... die.

"Oh, um, I—" Marinette saw him look at her once more before shaking his head. "I just fancied a quick swim." He began to move around the area in a half breast stroke, before heading towards the portal hole for his bedroom. "I'm all done now so I'll just get changed. Marinette, could you come and help me with something please?"

Wolf whistles and laughter sounded as she watched the main group holla down towards Luka and herself; obviously each thinking the two of them had rekindled their romance and Marinette was heading down to the bedroom for a little one on one time.

Could today get more embarrassing?

Clearing the majority of the group and heading to Luka's room, she breathed a sigh of relief as she glanced at Adrien looking in the opposite direction; his jaw taut and masculine as he looked out over the river. Hopefully she could make it past him without realising. Just a few more steps...

"Not dressed as a watermelon today then?"


Turning her head, she noticed Adrien was still looking out into the distance. Did he have a sixth sense for her or something?

"Said by the Daniel Craig wannabe." Adrien was once again dressed in a suit. Today's suit was grey and once again he was wearing the glasses which turned his face into a magnet. Why couldn't she just look away?

He turned and stepped towards her, his smell nothing less than incredible. Why did he have to affect her so much? It was interfering with her insults.

His eyes twinkled as his head tilted to one side. "Don't tell me you don't like the look because the way you're getting all defensive tells me something different."

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