Adrien's Garden

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One week later...

"You actually did that?" Nino snorted, making his way over to the sofas and settling opposite Adrien.

"Yep!" Adrien replied with a smug smile stretching over his face; he reached for his beer bottle like the cat who'd caught the canary.

"You pretty much told your father to get lost and lived to tell the tale? I'm in absolute awe, Adrien! I'm so proud of you buddy!"

After the events known as New York, Nino and Alya were pretty much waiting on his doorstep when he and Marinette arrived home two days ago. Apparently, just a phone call wasn't enough, the nosey couple just had to venture to London to get every single detail of what happened, and although Adrien wanted to keep a lot of the memories to himself, Nino had travelled all this way and deserved at least a little something.

Félix wasn't lying when he said everyone had been trying to get them together for years, it seemed every date Alya and Nino had, which Adrien and Marinette were dragged on, was an attempt at getting them to not only be cordial with each other but to also 'fall in love'. Félix — the smug arsehole — couldn't help but steal all the glory for it actually, finally, happening.

Taking a quick swig of his beer, Adrien almost choked as Félix entered the room and smacked him squarely in the back.

His coughing and spluttering was no competition for his cousin's roaring laugh as he came to sit beside them, one foot on the coffee table and the other crossing at the ankle.

"The chick has finally flown the nest and in more ways than one if you catch my drift." Félix wiggled his eyebrows at the other males in the room, Nino not impressed by the statement.

"That's my line, dude!"

Félix only laughed more at Nino's possessive outburst. It was good to have them both here. As much as Nino was and will forever be Adrien's best friend (best man status included when the time comes), Félix had become a significant person in Adrien's life too. He wasn't sure life would be the same without his cousin anymore.

"Félix, Nino doesn't need to know everything," Adrien said, taking another large amount of his beer.

"Like hell I don't! You do realise Marinette is with Alya at the moment, if you don't tell me I'm going to get an over exaggerated version from her instead and then have to ask you anyway. So tell me... are you together now?"

Adrien used his beer bottle to cover the twisting of his lips. Oh boy, were they together!

From the moment they'd kissed at the 'A Designs' office, their relationship zoomed from one to a thousand. They were stuck in New York for 5 more days before being able to catch their flight back to London, so they made the most of it. Sightseeing, dates out, dates in... They'd spent the whole time together, Adrien moving into Marinette's room and out of the suite his 'father' was paying for.

His father. Now there was an issue for another day. But this wasn't about him and his father; his story, at this moment, was about him and Marinette. The girl who'd always lingered in his mind was now firmly in the palm of his hand and he had no intention of ever losing her. She was wonderful – inside and out.

"We are, well, neither of us have said it officially but we've barely been separated over the past week so I would say so."

"Yes! That's it cousin!"

Adrien rolled his eyes. This was the first time he'd seen Félix since returning home. Adrien's thoughts lead him to the fact his cousin was probably scared he was going to have his ass kicked for interfering; which he wasn't! He was just going to make it known now truly fucked up his attempt at helping Adrien was.

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