Lucky Charm

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Placing her phone on charge, Marinette headed out of her bedroom and down into the main lounge; she hoped to grab Kagami before going to bed needing to vent about the day before sharing her amazing news. She'd got the job... for some unknown reason Marinette Dupain-Cheng was a new senior designer for 'A Designs' and she was ready to spontaneously combust.

The interview, and Adrien's snickering, had only been a margin of the horror she'd faced whilst continuing her process. After almost sending Adrien to the emergency room for a rather severe allergic reaction, she had to present her altereddesign to the judges - a design not made for this model and one bare and boring compared to how it originally looked. Gabriel grilled her to the nth degree. What material? What stitching? Why the distressed look around the lapel? She'd answered them all the best she could but the interview was well and truly over when she told Gabriel that his son wasn't the target audience because he didn't have 'the right look'.

She wanted the ground to open and swallow her.

Marinette had offended the lead model, the inspiration of the company and still managed to get the job. She didn't know if she was lucky or they were stupid.

Making her way down the staircase, she could hear the sound of male laughter originating from the kitchen and a tv playing some sort of fencing match in the lounge; she guessed that would be where Kagami was relaxing.

Ignoring the chortles echoing out the kitchen, Marinette made her way to the lounge, correct in her judgement that that was where Kagami would be; the business entrepreneur lounging back on the sofa with a glass of red wine in hand.

Marinette leaned one shoulder into the doorframe as she eyed her friend. Her backstabbing, betraying friend. The ex-fencer hadn't even looked up, instead she was enthralled by the tv, her focus remaining dead set in front of her.

"I got the job," Marinette announced, her voice steering clear of any emotion. She was almost one hundred percent sure Kagami would already know this; that either Adrien had told her already or she had been one of the deciding factors of why she got the job, the Tsuragi company still a major shareholder of the older Agreste.

"Cheers!" Kagami said, raising her glass as her eyes remained firmly locked on the television; not a hint of anything in her voice.

Rolling her eyes, Marinette pushed from the wall and headed over to where Kagami was and took the seat beside her, making sure she bounced her friend and gathered her attention. Unable to grab Kagami's attention from the television, Marinette went in for the kill.

"Did you not think to tell me anything about Adrien? Do you love to see me embarrass myself?"

Finally, Kagami turned towards Marinette and raised a questioning eye. Lifting the glass of wine to her lips, Kagami took a swig as her eyes remaining firmly on her friend. Marinette glared back, unwilling to show any weakness to her friend.

Kagami shrugged, then said. "It wasn't my idea to tickle the guy as he was flipping pancakes."

"I thought it was Felix," responded Marinette, her teeth gnawing together as she spoke. The sudden outburst seemed comical to Kagami, as the tycoon burst out laughing.

"Which then begs me to ask why were you tickling my husband?" A glistening shone in her friends eyes and Marinette wanted to blow in her face to remove it. Why did she always end up in these situations? How did she keep doing this to herself?

Marinette's hands shot to her face as she fell back into the sofa. "Just kill me now!"

"Where would the fun be if I did that?" Kagami laughed, reaching forwards and pouring a secondary glass of wine.

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