"Um, thank you so much for giving me this job. I promise I will work hard and never let your company down."

I smiled confidently, while fixing my posture.

His smile slowly faded away, as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Yah Hobi hyung, I told yo-"

I looked over to the owner of the voice, to see an unexpected man in the CEO's cabin.


He yelled, while pointing at me.

How dare he insult me infront of Mr. Kim!?


"You're not excused"

He folded his arms and rolled his eyes.

"What the fuck are YOU doing here?"

"No. What the fuck is a little shit like YOU doing here?"

Okay, that's it.

My blood boiled, as I stomped towards him. Before I could go closer, a pair of strong hands grabbed my shoulders from behind.


I calmed down to see Mr. Kim holding me, and that stupid person glared at me with burning eyes.

"Do you even know each other?"

He asked, looking at both of us.

We stood in silence, waiting for his response.

"Y/n, this is Mr. Kim Taehyung. Your boss."


"And Taehyung, this is your secretary, Lee Y/n."



Our eyes looked as if they were about to land on the floor. We looked at each other in shock.

This man. The one I fought with. Is my boss. And I. have to work as his secretary.

No way.

What trouble have I gotten myself into.

"I'm Jung Hoseok. Kim Taehyung's friend."

He gave his famous sunshine smile.

I blinked multiple times trying to process everything. I couldn't even look at him, because of the embarrassment.

"So, I think everything is clear now. I'll get going."

Before I could open my mouth to speak, Hoseok left. Now there were just the two of us. And the most embarrassed one was me, rather than him.

My eyes were glued to the floor, as I felt a pair of eyes glaring at me. I heard a light chuckle, which caused me to look up.

He smirked as his eyes pierced into mine.

Wait a damn second. This man is fucking hot. I mean- rude.

He slowly took steps towards me, as I walked behind, my legs trembling with each step. Finally I hit the wall, as he came more closer to me.

He placed one of his hand on the other side of the wall, and one in his pocket.

My breathing became heavier, as my heart beat rapidly.

"Lee Y/n"

He finally spoke in a dangerously deep voice, which caused chills down my spine.

"From today, you'll do what I say and obey my rules"

My eyes widened hearing this sentence.

"Rule number one. You'll always ask for my permission, until you're inside the company."

"Rule number two. You'll never talk back or raise your voice at me. You should obey me."

I gritted my teeth in anger, as I tried to control it.

"Rule number three. You can't say no to me."

Wait, what?

"Rule number four. You should never be late to work."

"And last but not the least. Rule number five. You'll only call me sir"

He glared into my orbs, waiting for my response.

"Why should I?"

He paused and stared at me. I smirked as I waited for his reply. He kept looking at me blankly.

Before I could speak further, he moved away from me and turned behind, taking slow steps to his desk.

I threw a sarcastic laugh at his behaviour. From behind, I could see him moving his head side to side, as he fixed his tie.

"I knew it! The CEO of the biggest company is scared of his sec-"

Before I complete my sentence, I saw him furiously marching towards me with an opened tie in his hand.

Oh shit, I think I fucked up.

He quickly threw it behind my neck and harshly pulled me towards him. My hands landed on his chest in the sudden action, and our faces were inches away.

My breathing was too loud, as my heartbeat raced against my chest in fear.

His eyes were filled with fire, as he dangerously glared at me, wanting to kill me any second.

"You know you got this job because of me."


He was actually right...That means, he would fire me any second? No-

"And you can also loose it because of me."


He licked his lips in anger, which I don't know why, but freaking turned me on.


I nodded slightly, as his angry face made me shake in fear.

To be honest, he was hella scary too. So, it's better I keep my mouth shut.

He pulled the tie more harder, as my nose almost touched his. I closed my eyes as my body trembled.

"Did you get that?"

He raised his voice, as I kept my eyes shut.



Rules? Oh, yeah...

"Y-Yes sir..."

I gulped hardly and bit my lower lip, as my breath hitched.


He instantly let go of me and fixed his tie again. My nape stung, as I rubbed it trying to ease the pain.

"Bring me a coffee"

He ordered and sat on his chair, as he cracked his neck. I blankly looked at him.

How can his mood flicker this fast?


Hearing his deep voice again, I came into my senses and rushed outside the cabin. Taking deep breath, I walked quickly to find the coffee machine.

Shit, what trouble have I gotten myself into!

Hey readers, let me know did you like this story till here!

Btw, thanks for reading! 💜


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