Chapter 29 - Just let me sleep

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Andrea POV

A sharp beeping noise forces my eyes open, only to be blinded by the annoyingly white lights.

I rub the sleep from my eyes before jumping up trying to calm down Stark's erratic heart.

This is the fourth day of his being forced into a small coma, twice a day I have to inject him with medicine to keep him asleep, which has repercussions on his brain and heart, so it tried to protect the body by shutting off non-essential parts which causes problems.

I am practically living on the medical floor, Stark's heart keeps being a bitch and not allowing me to sleep, my eyes must have huge bags under them.

The others that were injured are on bed rest but should be fine soon, I managed to force Maddy into accepting she now has a tutor, and Loki has no clue that I didn't inject Stark with Venom, sometimes when Loki comes to see him I force a seizure on Stark with medicine so he looks like there's something wrong with him.

I only have two more days that I need to sit by Stark's bed, I can't wait to wake him up and leave this damn tower, I haven't been able to go to the hospital to check on my patients.

Sometimes it's so boring I have to draw on Stark's face with lipstick for my own amusement, I normally just doodle but once I coloured his whole face red, and every time I drew on his face I took a picture to remember

Once I've given Stark a few injections, his heart returns to a steady beat and I can sit back down in the uncomfortable chair to sleep.

Sometimes when my ass gets numb from the chair that I'm sure is made of metal, I go to lie down in the MRI machine, which is surprisingly cosy.

The beeping from the monitors brings me comfort in knowing I haven't killed an Avenger.


As I'm being lulled to sleep by the soothing sound my phone goes off and causes me to jump and fall out of the chair.

Why won't the universe just let me sleep for fucks sake!

It's a call from Greta, she only calls me when it's an emergency.

"Hey, is everything alright?"

"No, there was a shooting, hundreds of people are being rushed to the hospital and I have no one to watch Luella. I know you're babysitting Stark, but one more baby couldn't hurt." My friend requested.

"Okay, but do you need any help at the hospital?" I ask in hope that I can return to my happy place filled with blood.

"Andrea I swear to god, if you abandon a dying Avenger, I am going to tell everyone at the hospital about what happened the night the power went out." Oh shit, that night she caught me doing things I am not proud of.

"Fine, I'll ask Starks chauffeur to go to your place and pick up Ella."

"Thanks, you're the best." I know.

I love Greta's little girl, she's so cute and for a baby, she rarely cries.

"Jarvis can you-"

"Mr Hogan is already on his way." Damn, he's good.

I smile knowing he can see and sit back on the demon chair, one day I will set it on fire, I mean seriously this is the house of a billionaire and yet the one room I'd be in the most has the unbearable chair.

I hate Stark.

Would it be that bad if he died?

It's as if someone out there knew I was thinking of his death, as he starts to go into cardiac arrest and I get to shock him with the paddles.

That really made me feel better.

And I only hesitated for a moment before saving his life, I feel like I'm maturing.

You know how teenagers are rather stupid with their decision-making? Well, I'm permanently stuck as an 18, so I will forever have the mindset of an 18-year-old.

Doesn't matter how many years I have been alive, my body and mind are forever young.

Some may think it is a blessing to stay this pretty forever, but that means I must horde off men who don't understand the word no forever.

My eyes open once again to the ding of the lift, why is everyone awake at 1 in the morning?

I get a slight shock when I feel something graze my leg, only to see it's Hestia.

"How did you get here you little fur ball?" I place her on my lap and talk to her in my baby voice.

"I'm afraid that's my fault, she won't stop following me around." I don't know why I thought the kitten could take the lift here on her own.

"Doctor Banner, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Hestia leaps off my lap and rubs against Bruce's calf. I feel betrayed.

"I wanted to ask about Tony's progress." He picks the kitty up and she happily rests in his arms, purring away.

"Well considering how he went into cardiac arrest minutes ago, I'd say no improvement." He looks disappointed by the news

"He should've woken up by now. I don't understand." Banner starts circling his friend's unconscious body, scanning the many tests I have taken.

"Well, sometimes the body shuts down in order to protect itself." I'm hoping he doesn't dig deeper into why Stark is asleep, Banner is a smart man and I don't know what he'll do if he discovers the truth. "If he doesn't wake up in a few days then I'll ask a colleague at the hospital for advice."

"Alright, I'm going to go to bed, get some rest, Doctor Collins."

"Goodnight." He leaves and takes Hestia with him, knowing this is not a safe place for a little kitten.

I decide to take a small nap while waiting for Happy to arrive with Luella.

And just as I shut my eyes, Stark's heart began to race unnaturally.

Why won't the asshole let me sleep!?

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