Chapter 21 - Drugs in the air

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Andrea POV

After spending the night at the hospital with Barton, who was relatively fine apart from a small seizure, and now I'm at Maddy's house to collect her stuff.

I've been here before, but only on the outside, and it is much worse on the inside.

"Who the hell are you?" After knocking on the door, it is opened to a woman smoking and wearing very little clothing.

"I'm Andrea, Madison is moving in with me, now move so I can get her stuff." I say leaving no debate.

She looks a little high and like she wasn't even listening to me so she just turns to walk away without a second look.

I am so happy Maddy barely sleeps here, it is a shit hole.

The wallpaper is peeling off, the carpet is full of holes, the furniture looks like it will break to pieces if you even touch it, and it's infested with rats, spiders and roaches so I'm not staying here any longer than I have to.

I walk around this very small one-story house and due to the limited amount of rooms, it's easy to find her room.

It looks like she tried to make it as nice as she can, with drawings on the walls which look to be done when she was a child, there aren't any furniture but a small mattress and a thin blanket with a small light next to it, there are a few large books in the corner, and a basket where she keeps her clothes.

Since there is very little stuff in here it only takes a few minutes to put it in the bag I brought and leave.

"Hey lady!" Once it's loaded into the taxi her mother calls for me.


"Tell the bitch not to come back." Was her farewell to her daughter, I would've just left and been done with these people, to never have to see them again.

But she called my baby a bitch.

So I break her nose with my fist.

And then I walk away.

Maddy was happy to be fully moving in, and in a few days we're going shopping to get another bed in my room, there isn't much space in the flat but my bedroom is big enough for two double beds.

"Hey Mads, I got your stuff and a cupcake from that little bakery you like." Maddy has recovered from the food poisoning, but she's always hungry on her 3rd day of the period so I also bought chocolate and multiple tubs of ice cream for when the munchies inevitably come, and when that girl is hungry she will bite you if you come close to her without food in your arms.

"I love you." I'm not going to question who she's talking to, but it's pretty clear since she's staring at the cupcake with a little drool coming out.

"I'll put your stuff in the bedroom, but we really need to go shopping, you're lack of clothes is a disgrace to me personally." I comment.

She's not even listening to me, too busy stuffing her face with the little cake, which she has got on her nose, cheek, and somehow on her forehead.

After freeing up some drawers I fill them with her clothes and get Maddy mountains of food and take a quick nap, I'm on-call tonight so need all the sleep I can get.

But sadly I didn't get much of a nap before the bell rings and I have to leave my comfortable, loving bed.

"Ugh! What do you want?" I scream at the person behind the door as I open it.

"Andrea Collins?" Why the fuck is there a police officer at my door?

"Yes, what's this about?"

"You're under arrest for assault." He turns me around and handcuffed my hands together.

"What!" The nerve of that pot-smoking bitch, she called the police! She should have just been grateful I didn't call them on child neglect.

"Andy?" Maddy comes from the living room with popcorn to see this while the officer reads me my rights.

"Maddy, call Greta." I instructed, which she immediately followed and went to the phone to call her.

"It'll be okay." I tell her as I let him drag me into his car.

Next time I'm going to break more than her nose, maybe her leg, or neck.

Good thing is, I'm fine with being arrested because after the first time I was sent to jail, I burnt off my fingerprints in case I get caught again and they run me through the system, so I'm safe from people getting suspicious that there were so many women who look like me throughout history.

It was a short ride but felt like hours, this will do nothing to my reputation but I don't know how Maddy will react to me getting arrested, or that I'm getting arrested for breaking her mothers nose.

She never really talked about how she felt about her parents, she says doesn't know them well enough to have feelings about them, but they share the same DNA, and she loves them even if she won't admit it.

And I don't want her to be angry at me for hurting her mum.

They put me in a holding cell, containing one man who is passed out, and another who looks pissed to be here.

I sit on the bench and take my nap here while waiting for Greta and Maddy.

It may or been the drugs in the air, or I'm finally losing it, but I had a dream of a gummy bear horse and I was riding it while a shark with legs was chasing us, and it slowly ate the gummy bear horse till it ate me, and when I was in the shark's stomach I met Snow White and she offered me an apple which I stupidly ate and then woke up.

It was definitely the drugs I'm inhaling.

After about half an hour a police officer opens the door.

"Dr Collins, your charges have been dropped." Damn, how'd Greta manage that?

Once I give the officers many dirty looks, I leave to find my saviours and hug the shit out of them.

Well, that was the plan till I see the smug face of Tony Stark standing with Maddy and Greta.

"Son of a bitch." I say before hugging Maddy with a smile.

"Is that just your natural reaction to seeing me?" Stark responds, his smirk growing with each passing second.

"Would you rather I kick you?" I ask.

"Aren't you violent today?"

"Greta, why is he here?" I turn my attention to the woman standing next to him looking uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry, but the woman you punched made it out that you beat her up and that it was a racial thing, that you hated people with white skin, I didn't know what to do, you could've gone to jail."

"Which you won't be, thanks to me and my hefty donation to the police department." Stark comments.

"Let's go Mads." I mouth thank you to Greta, not wanting Stark to see I'm happy she got me out, and call over a taxi.

"Don't you have something to say to me?" Stark pushes his ear out in my direction.

"Go away." I usher Maddy into the taxi, wanting to get out of here as soon as possible.

As I'm about to enter, I feel like I have to say it, he helped me stay with my Mads.

"Thanks Stark, owe you one." I feel like I need to wash my mouth with bleach.

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