Chapter 12 - Sealed fate

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Andrea POV

Hell no.

I know what he is doing and like hell will it work.

I walk out the locker room with a very pissed off look covering my face.

This is so not happening.

I can hear someone following me so I glance and see it's Greta looking concerned as she chases after me.

"Drea? Andrea! Are you ok? What's wrong?" I only stop once I'm at the other side of the hospital and sit down against the wall where Greta takes a seat next to me.

"What's wrong? Is it Stark?" She questions.

"Yes, he won't give up. Fucking asshole." I sneer.

"Probably shouldn't say that about our new boss." She lets out a chuckle.

"He will never be my boss!" I state.

"What are you going to do? Quit?"

"If I have to." There are plenty of other hospitals that would have me.

"I hope it doesn't come to that." Me neither, but Stark will most likely leave me no choice.

"Ah, there you are." Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Son of a bitch." I stand, fully prepared to deck him with a smile on my face.

"That's a pretty rude way to speak to your new boss."

"You are not my new boss! Get that through your thick head." I begin to shout, I am just so fed up with this whole situation, I am afraid all the time that Romanoff will find something out, and it won't be easier if I have to live with her.

"Oh but you are, you signed a contract to work at Angels hospital for 7 years, you have 3 years left to go, and you will be spending it at the Avengers tower."

"The contract says I have to work at the hospital for 7 years, the hospital and only the hospital."

"Yes, that is why one of the floors at the Avengers tower is going to be converted into an Angels hospital for an exclusive clientele, and you will be the only doctor there so that means you will have to move in to make life easier."

I try to think of how to find a loophole to his loophole but I can't.

If I quit then they can sue me, and since a superhero now owns the hospital I would stand very little chance of coming out with any money.


"Fine, but like hell am I moving in." He won but he lost, he probably thinks that I'll get tired of driving such a long distance every day and just give in, but I only have to do it for 3 years.

I storm off, hoping to find someone trying to kill a nurse or something so I have someone to punch.

"Jarvis, where is the spider?" I am in a very pissy mood and want someone nice to calm me down and hopefully persuade Stark to reconsider, they seem close and if he fails I'll go to Potts.

"He is in the cafeteria with Mr Barnes and Miss Romanoff, and Mr Barton has finished his brain scans, Dr Whitfield has held off checking them, instructing the nurses to show you first."

Hmm, lets see, either go to a nice boy who is with my ex-lover and woman who I brought back to life, or a man who has no history or issues with me and is an actual patient.

Guess which option I picked.

"Mr Barton, sorry for taking so long, there was an incident."

"Who are you? Wait I remember." He is flailing his arms around like he's high and is smiling a lot. He's acting rather childish, or maybe that's just his personality.

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