Chapter 18 - Let you win

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Aria Delaney POV

I am a second away from ripping that boy's arm off, how dare he lay a hand on Stevie.

We were out dancing, I rotated between the two boys, Stevie stepped out for some air a minute ago but I know how he easily gets in trouble so I went to find him, how is he getting beat up again?

"Hey! Leave him alone!" I interrupt that asshole while he is kicking Grant.

"Run along babe, little girls don't have any business in a fight." He turns back to beating my brother.

"What? Afraid to get your ass kicked by a little girl?" I'm really just trying to keep his attention off the little man scrambling around on the floor.

I would prefer to wait for James, but if I have to I can destroy this man, it's just easier to stay low, and a girl beating a fully grown man is not laying low.

"You're joking right?" He begins to laugh uncontrollably, he has to bend over.

That's when I roundhouse him in the face.

Not laughing anymore are you buddy?

"What the fuck?!" He starts to advance towards me, so I put my fists up but someone beat me to it.

Next thing I know, he's on the floor with a bloody nose.

"If you even think of laying a hand on her, I will hurt you in ways your tiny little brain can't even comprehend." Ah, so it was James who landed the man on the floor.

I help Grant stand up as we watch James beat the living hell out of him.

"You two okay?" Once he's done he checks us out for any injuries.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine, Stevie ain't going to be in a few minutes." I turn to face the meek man.

"What the hell did you do?" I place my hands on my hips and stare him down, while James does the same, we probably look like two parents disciplining their manchild.

"He was harassing girls and catcalling them, I told him to stop and he responded with fists." Ok, that's an acceptable answer.

"Next time come to us." Jamie softly demands.

"Yeah, we'll destroy him for you." I tell him with a smile on my face.

"Ok, now that he is out of the way," James turns to me, "why the hell were you provoking him?"

"What? You think I can't fight?" I cross my arms and stare at him, and he better have a good response.

"Trust me I know you can, I still have the scar on my arm from when you cheated at sparring," he shows me his forearm to emphasise his point.

"I didn't cheat!" I defend myself while Stevie just watches, slightly amused.

"Biting is obviously not allowed." Yes, I bit him so hard it scarred. But I won.

"Where is that rule?"

"It's obvious! Just like how you use those sharp nails to make me let go once you've been pinned," he then shows me the inside of his palm, where my nail scarred. But again, I won.

We sparred a lot.

"We're getting off topic, you could've gotten hurt."

"Steve gets hurt all the time!"

"Exactly! He's used to it." Stevie is now highly amused.

"What!" We both shout at him, making him laugh even more.

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