Chapter 4 - America's babydoll

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(Hestia played by my kitten, Harley)

Andrea POV

"Andy!" I wake to the screeching of Madison, and Apollo barking literally an inch from my face.

I got barely any sleep, I should get a day off after saving half the Avengers lives, so I snuggle deep into covers and hope to god that Apollo finds Hestia and plays with her.

"Andy, get up before I torch the flat with everything I'm juggling with." My dear sister says in a singsong voice.

I know she is probably doing something that may end with my living space on fire, and my thoughts are reassured they're right when the smoke alarm goes off and makes me shoot out of my bed and into the kitchen where I see Maddy holding multiple items that look like they will fall out of her arms if she moves from that awkward position she's in with her leg up and keeping the items in place.

"What is going on?" I ask with a yawn.

"Well you looked so tired from yesterday and you slept past your alarm so I wanted to make you breakfast but since I'm here Apollo wanted to go on a walk so I fed him then Hestia wanted attention and kept meowing and I wasn't watching the food now everything is ruined." She drops the items to the floor and stands there looking defeated.

"Oh honey, it's ok." I assure her with a small laugh while bringing her in for a hug.

"How about I make breakfast, while you deal with the little attention seekers, what were you making anyway?"

"Eggs and bacon, I didn't know that it could go wrong." She laughs it off with me

I'm already an hour late but if I don't get to come in later than usual, I swear to god I'm quitting that hospital.

I clear out the burnt food and get to start on a new breakfast while Maddy takes Apollo on a quick walk.

While I'm cooking, the memory of me and Peter's conversations reminded me I'm seeing him again today, which makes me smile and start to get ready while the bacon is cooking.

I took a quick shower and put on my navy scrubs with a white tank under them, just like every day, but this time I get to spend time with a superhero.

Then I remembered I will probably run into Natasha Romanoff who I brought back from the dead and then lied about it to her, a master spy.

She is going to figure me out, I should just pick a new identity now, I always liked the name Aurora, and it'll be fun to try that one out for a few decades.

As I entertained the thought of being Aurora Delphine, an assassin doing the opposite of my old job but only taking out bad people, Maddy entered with Apollo, reminding me of how much I love this life and will do everything to keep it as long as I can.

"Hey Mads, good walk?"

"Yep but he was so pushy, felt like he was walking me." She takes off his collar and gives him a kiss.

"Well you're back in time, breakfast is ready and I should probably leave soon so lets eat up." We sit down and I eat as fast as I can while simultaneously telling her everything that happened yesterday, she wanted to hear in person, minus that I saw what Spiderman looks like and his name.

I finish eating and set off to work while giving Maddy a new book to study once she's done with her current one.

She is a speedy reader, the world is running out of books for her to use as study material.

I exit the taxi to see that people are still surrounding the hospital with cameras at the ready to get a peek at the heroes, who I am surprised are still here, but their injuries were bad so they must have been convinced to stay.

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