Chapter 23 - Welcome

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Andrea POV

My father was a stupid man.

He did stupid things and didn't think anything through, he got hurt because of his choices, but he was a nice man.

He was like a candle, let himself burn so others have light, and in the end his decisions caused him to burn.

Literally, people set him on fire.

My mother was the opposite, she was smart but tough, wanted to prepare me and my sibling for the future, guess it paid off.

She would let us get hurt so the lesson stuck with us, but she would always help us bandage up the wound when it was over.

I had 3 siblings.

Audra, the eldest.

Alastair, my brave brother.

Abilene, was my baby sister.

All of them died at different points, but for the same cause: me.

And my fucking power that makes the ones I love suffer in unimaginable ways.

I contacted my brother and sister once, and they didn't want to see me again.

Alastair didn't want to see me suffer alone, he didn't want to be sucked out of the afterlife to see me try to kill myself to join him and fail.

Abilene was young when she died, doesn't understand why we can talk when she can't with the rest of the world, so I left her alone.

Audra made me visit her every few years, so I wouldn't forget who I am and where I came from, who my blood are, but also so I would remember what happens when people find out, she wants me to be careful and this is her best shot at reminding me.

She's a lot like my mother in that way.

I never questioned the dead what the afterlife is like, I was never going to see it so why torture myself?

A thin layer of sweat covers my skin as I box up the last shelf of books.

We are almost finished packing, the Avengers were pleasantly surprised when I walked back into the room and said 'where do I sign?' and I swear once I left Stark did a little dance.

Maddy was curious but didn't question my change of heart and started packing, but I'm sure Romanoff won't be as generous with her curiosity.

Stark gave me 2 days to pack, I have managed to prolong it and it's day 6, I have been going as slow as possible, Stark doesn't care he's just happy that he won.

Smug little bitch.

"I'm kind of excited to be moving in there."

"Really? Because I've been dreading it since the day I met that little shit." I drop myself onto the sofa.

"Well can you please go faster, you have only been packing a box a day." She starts to pack up another box.

"It's how I save energy." I begin the search to find the remote, I swear if she boxed up the controller I will rip each of them apart to find it.

"It's how you procrastinate." She rebuttals.

"Fine, you do the packing, I do the supervising." After ripping up the sofa cushions I conclude the controller is gone.

"Stop looking for it, I knew it would be the first thing you look for when you want to stall the moving."

"Which box?" I demand.

"Not telling." She has a cute little smile on her face and while I'm restraining myself from pouncing on those boxes for the remote, a harsh pounding on the door makes us both look at it.

"I got it." I sluggishly get off the sofa to open the door and once I do there are multiple people pushing past me and grabbing my belongings.


"You were taking too long." Stark appears from behind all the people, probably movers.

"I was going at my own pace."

"Doesn't matter, get in the car they'll be done in an hour." He says quickly before exiting waving his hand for us to follow.

I plop my ass back on the sofa while Maddy hurriedly straps a bag full of her favourite books onto her back, puts Hestia into a carrier and attached Apollo's collar around his neck then grabs my arm to force me up so we can follow him.

After trying to slow her down by pretending to faint and her summoning all her strength she has to drag me, I am forced to stand to my feet once we reach outside and enter the limo.

Maddy is amazed the whole time in the limo, especially when Stark introduced himself saying that they haven't officially met, and when he goes to shake her hand she takes a few minutes to respond and to stick her hand out to his.

It was hard to watch.

"Home sweet home, ladies. Pepper got a welcome ceremony upstairs, act surprised." Great, I'm totally looking forward to being welcomed into a home I was forced to live in by a god that freaks the hell out of me.

Once we step off the lift, all the Avengers are standing waiting, there are balloons and alcohol, which is the only thing I'm happy about.

Balloons to stab and liquor to make me forget the reason to why I have to stab my anger out on a piece of rubber filled with air.

There were a few welcomes and handshakes with people introducing themselves to Maddy, who looks starstruck every time she touches one of their hands.

Peter greets us before going for Apollo to fawn all over the little pup while Wanda lets Hestia out of her carrier and into her arms.

Peter is in his Spiderman outfit, probably not going to reveal himself till they are sure Maddy is trustworthy.

"Welcome home ladies and pets." Stark hands me a martini and Maddy a juice box that she happily sips, while Pepper puts a large bowl full of water on the floor which the animals are instantly drawn to.

At least I hope that's water, since this is Stark's home there's a good chance it could be vodka.

I hope it's not, but seeing how they act drunk could be pretty entertaining.

"Yes, welcome." A voice interrupts my thoughts from behind.

I turn and the first thing I see is her red hair, she looks very pleased with herself that I am now at her mercy, living under her roof, leaving me vulnerable to an attack.

"Nowhere to run now." She whispers before walking away with a smile on her face.

This is going to be hell.

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