"That's is the lamest line you picked up."

I let out a chortle listening him, and the way he chooses to say it.

"I's unaware of this side of yours. The great heir of Rathore is able to throw humors."

This time he to joined me, giving out a light-tight laugh. God it even pains him to laugh openly.

A distinct noise from a radio, tolls in our ears. But it's to faint to distinguish out the lyrics. After few steps beside together, Reyansh stops halting me to. He comes infront of me, bringing our intertwined hands in between us.

"Will my lady share a dance with me?"

I giggle shyly at him, biting on my lips, nodding at him.

"But music?"

"Do we need?"

I nod,"It's our second dance together and a first one in our date."

He fishes out his phone, exhibiting infront of me.

"Play perfect." He nods, giving out a small hum.

Passing the phone to his bodyguard, he takes me a little afar, somewhere in the middle of the street, where few couples were walking hands in hands, being giddy. Some in their first stage and some in their mature stage. Still the bracing romance dwelling them together.


I nod frantically, to overwhelmed to speak anything.

The song started, with it we slowly swayed ourselves. His hand on my waist, mine on his shoulder, and the other together. Then, slowly and carefully together searching for the meaning written through the music.

"Remember the night we first met?" His mesmerizing pitch balck hair bangs falling on his forehead, like the scatters leaves of the branch. Tangled but still artful.

"Yes, I took you as a saviour." I pour out with gritting teeths.

"And I searched the definition of a saviour in you. You're littered on the road, calling out for me, you took me as our saviour, unaware that you were my saviour. You twisted some cord in my frozen heart. A sudden sparkle in my grim fate." His voice husky and manly.

I stay quiet, rather choose to stay to see the sincerity of them, reflecting on his face.

"The music is about to end." I jest.

"And our is beginning. The melodies of our heart."

If four years back, somebody said me that I was going to dance like a carefree in the middle of the street with my husband, I would have had chocked out in laughs, and then kicking it's ass, for the ineffective prediction. Yet, here I am. Dancing arms in arms, our breath mingling, under the starry night and eyes. Playing with each other.

Nevertheless, the legends were right. Our fate is unpredictable. We can even accept fairytale, but we have to look with those believer beholders eyes.

With the nearing end of the second song, Love Story, we were joined by the wandering couples. Just like us dancing. And at the end, Reyansh twirls me giving a pause to this unforgettable experience.

"Perfect love story." I speak out. He becomes befuddled hearing me.

"Music names."

We both laugh out, spontaneous, unknowingly plastered to each other.

"Thank you man." Applaud from other reverberate in the air.

Even though, Reyansh was not pleased with their interference and was about to utter, when I interjected,"Your welcome."

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