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In the morning, I was on my way to meet Qiao in the palace so we could resolve our misunderstanding. As I reached the palace, I started to look for Qiao and ask the people who knew where Qiao could be. But everyone said they didn't know. I was starting to get worried as I had no idea why Qiao wasn't there. I asked around some more but nobody had seen Qiao.

After thinking he might be outside, I
started to leave the palace, but suddenly someone called me - "Vaniah".
It was clear to me who called me, but I hesitated to turn the direction of the voice, so I did, and she asked, "Why did you come here, when you dislike this place?"

"I didn't come here to stay"

"I don't understand what you did to Qiao, he is always thinking of you and sad"- she said in frustrated tone.

"Mother, what do you want from me? Why do you fight with me whenever nobody is around, and why do you love him more than I? Did I do anything bad to you?" I asked her in a sad voice.

"Why would you want anyone else when your father is there to help you? Why don't you behave like a girl and do everything on your own? There are times when I even wonder if you are mine."

I was very angry at that time. In the midst of all that, a person came to the scene and asked: "What's going on here?"

"Father, if you don't mind can you take your wife somewhere else"

She slapped me instantly, I didn't utter a word but my father yelled: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? ARE YOU EVEN IN YOUR SENSE?". She flinched. Her reaction showed that she was scared of my father's reaction and that she hadn't expected him to intervene. She was likely expecting me to either retaliate or stay silent, and when my father stepped in, she was taken aback. Afterward, he took hold of my hand and told me, "Come along." I followed him!

"Why does my mother hate me?" I asked him as we walked through the garden. "Is it because I didn't study embroidery like other girls in the palace, because I didn't get married in time, or because I applied to the military?" I couldn't help but cry when I spoke the words. I have only shown my weakness to those I trust. "The only reason I can think of is that I have defied her expectations of me," I said, wiping away my tears with a trembling hand.

"Vaniah" - he called me in a worried tone

"Do not worry about me, I will be alright", I mustered some words to cover my sadness.

I knew that he was really concerned about me. He had seen my tears and knew what I was going through. I had to put up a brave face for him and assure him that I will be okay.

Then he just hugged me and said -" everything will turn out in the best way", I just nodded my head and asked -" did you see Qiao anywhere? I've been looking for him since morning."

'He's not here, the king assigned him 11 some work, he'll be in Wruya. The task the king gave him was an important one, and it is expected that he won't be back until it's finished."

"What....I came from there and didn't see him"

"He will be there, Vaniah. Don't worry about him."

"Then , I will go because I want to see

While  conversing with him, I was heading towards the door to leave when I noticed a group of soldiers rushing by. I stopped them and asked one of the soldiers  why they were in such a hurry. One of them explained that they needed to deliver a royal decree, to Qiao from the king. I grabbed the decree from the soldier who held it. But when I read the decree, my heart broke into many pieces and tears fell. My father saw my state and took the decree from me to reread it himself. He was shocked by what he had read. He turned to the soldier and asked in disbelief, "Is this really the decree the king has sent?" The soldier nodded in reply.

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