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As soon as I got to camp, I changed into a different outfit and went to have coffee, when Ryan came up to me and asked where Qiao was.

"He'll be here after a day," I replied. I sighed and asked if he needed coffee, to which he nodded no.

"Then why don't you stay at the palace?"

"Ryan you really know I hate staying there. The only memorable memories of palace are with Yeon and Qiao. When Yeon left, I was really sad, but my only source of happiness was Qiao. Despite the danger, the people there were so convincing that it was hard to tell who was genuine and who wasn't - making it even harder to abide by the rules."

By hearing my voice, he understood my anger toward the palace and my hatred for it.

We then had a short chat, and after that he walked to the field area and I headed to the border. I started to look around, and noticed how peaceful it was. I felt a sense of calmness and tranquility. I knew I could stay there forever. This feeling of serenity was suddenly broken by the realization that this serenity could be shattered in an instant.

In the distance, far away from the other side of the border, I saw a familiar figure and I called out loud, "Yeon".

I went to him, and he asked me, "Why did you come early to see him? Qiao is in the palace right now, isn't he?"

"I do not like to stay there" - I said in an annoyed tone of voice.

He just nodded and said, "Yeah, being stuck in a palace all day can be a royal pain."

In response, I just raised my eyebrows and said "I don't have the mood to laugh right now"

He didn't say anything else, just looked away. I could tell he was thinking about what I said. After a few moments of awkward silence, he finally broke it by saying, "Well, I guess I should get going."


After that, at night eight of the following day, I went to a special place. That was also the place to which Yeon took me after rescuing me from Zorrel. It was Qiao who bought me here, he was my companion.

The beauty of nature can be incredibly calming and provide a sense of peace. For some, it can be a form of escapism, allowing them to forget about their worries and become lost in the beauty of the landscape. The combination of the moonlight reflecting on the lake, the chill wind, the dark clouds, and the bloomed flowers creates a powerful atmosphere that can help to improve one's mood.

I was sitting near Lake, i felt a presence and i turned and saw Qiao there, In surprise i asked - " Qiao, why did you come today, you told me that you will come tomorrow, right?"

"Is it possible for me to stay there when my sister is here?"


He nodded his head and sat beside me.

"Why don't you stay in the palace, Aera?" - he asked for nowhere

"You know that I have a bad relationship with our mother and everyone there is really fake, I can't handle it Qiao."
"I'd much rather stay here with you and be myself," I added.

First time ever, Qiao listened silently while I spoke, and he always made sure I got what I wanted. However, I am unsure of his reaction if I confess my wish to spend the rest of my life with Yeon. Despite being uncertain of Yeon's feelings towards me, I feel compelled to share my feelings with yeon. Lost in my thoughts, I eventually drifted off to sleep on Qiao's shoulder, who had also fallen asleep.

YEARS OF WAITING Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant