11 | Duty |

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Jeonggukk checked his phone one more time before stepping down the stairs. When he reached the main living room, two men took the files which were in his hand and walked over to his car outside.

His Mother, aka, Jeon Myeong, was sitting on the couch wearing a face pack and both of her eyes were covered with a cucumber slice.

Jeonggukk walked towards her and cleared his throat. Myeong understood that it was her eldest son so she abruptly stood up and removed slices from her eyes.

"Morning, Jeonggukk" She smiled widely.

Jeonggukk on the other hand just nodded without any expression on his face. "Where is Jungkook?" He asked her.

"Uh .. isn't too early? He must m sleeping in his room" She still had a smile on her face and her voice was sweet as Saccharin.

"He isn't" Jeonggukk crossed his arms.
"Isn't it your responsibility to know where he is, Myeong-shi ?"

Myeong's smile flattened a bit. "I thought that duty was given to Seokjin." She avoided her son's stare.

"Myeong-shi, Can you remind me who you are to him again?" He was calm. She lowered her head.

"Jeonggukk?" both of them turned towards the source where that voice came from. It was Seokjin standing in the doorway, still in his morning hair, wearing a simple T-shirt and sweatpants. He bowed to Myeong and said a small 'Good morning' to both of them with a simple smile.

"Why are you here this early, Hyung?" Jeonggukk asked.

"Ah, To pick up Jungkook for college. He has a special class this morning, about his residency or something," he stated. "Where is he? Or... Did he already go?"

He didn't get any answer. "Well, that muscle kid didn't tell me about his class until this morning. So, I told him to go without waiting for me if I am late."

Jeonggukk nodded at the information. "It's not safe to go alone. Next time -"

"I'll be there by his side" Jin assured.

"Ok. I'm heading to the office. You fresh up here and eat breakfast before going hyung."

Jin shook his head. "No, it's okay. I've to go. Have to open the cafe and-"

"Your cafe is not far from here. Don't waste your time going back to your place. Ashley!" Jeonggukk called out for the main housemaid who appeared in front of him in seconds with a 'Yes sir? '.

"Arrange clothes for him and make sure he has breakfast here before he leaves. And Hyung, you know which room right?" Jin nodded.

Jeonggukk walked out of the main door and entered his car while one of his guards opened the doors for him.

Jin watched him go and sighed in relief. He took out his phone and messaged Jungkook.


I handled it.

You awe me.

Muscle kid ❤️

You're the bestestest Hyung in the whole universe


Jin chuckled at his phone.

"Sir, the clothes are ready and-"

"Ashley-Shi, how many times I've told you to never call me 'sir'?" Jin sounded offended by that.

Beauties And Beasts || Taeggukk /VkookTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang