Love Them Like Family

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Erkstag Prison
"Well isn't this place just cheery." Percival shuddered.
"And then most people wondered why I don't always trust the ministries." Newt said, "Azkaban is no better."
"Seen one wizard prison, seen them all." They descend the stairs, Percival waiting for something to attack them had already drawn his wand.

"You really do care for her?" 

Percival was thrown off by the sudden question, "Yes I do. She is not just a Grindelwald." He said, "I wish more people would see that."

"As do I, Anastasia was always stepping in to help her students." Newt smiled, "Certainly knew how to put up a fight and break one up." They shared a laugh. 

"You were her student?" Percival asked.

"Before I was expelled. She used to fight with Dumbledore then too." Newt sighed, "They always fought. I just never knew why till now." 

"Stasia blames herself." Percival said quietly, "She had wanted to get into dark magic." 

"That can't... I know she is powerful." Newt looked to him for an explanation.

"She never intended to use it unless there was another dark wizard that needed to be defeated. Stasia like Grindelwald is a seer and her visions always show war." 

"She needed to be prepared." Newt gave a soft smile, "Always fighting for the better." They continued along in silence, "Take care of her Percival."

"I will." 

Candidate's Dinner

"Well, this is going to be fun." Anastasia wrinkled her nose at the scene. 

"That man looks like my Uncle Dominic." Jacob said, he had a few glasses of wine. Lally smirked, "Is your Uncle Dominic the Norwegian Minister of Magic?" 

"No." Jacob reached for his glass again again it refilled.

"Didn't think so." 

Grindelwald  came in with his followers behind him, he gave a wave to the crowd and took at seat at his table. 

"Lally take the bloody glass away from him." Anastasia said getting up, "I will be back." 

"Gellert!" She hissed from behind a column. 

"Excuse me." Grindelwald said to his assembled followers and walked over to his sister. "Don't you look lovely. Are your eyes alright? They're losing their color."

"Just because you're charming doesn't mean it's going to work on me. And my losing vision Gellert, many things have changed." Anastasia clutched at the necklace, "You don't have to do this." 

"Actually, I think I do." Gellert smirked, "We can be free."

"You know Dad died shortly after your expulsion. Mom died after  a few years later  and they never forgave you." 

"Why would they? They were disgusted as I recall of what I had done." Gellert shook his head. "You never understood then, my sister and you don't understand now." 

Anastasia  took the necklace in her hand, "Maybe not, but I do remember a time when we were happy." The locket opened, memories began to for taking shape and transporting them back to a simpler time. 

"Gellert!" A seven year old Anastasia pounced upon her brother, "I got you!"  

"So you did." Gellert chuckled pulling his sister off of him, "What do you want?"


"Come on." 

The memory morphed into their eleventh birthday, "Durmstrang here we come! We can finally go to school."

"Best behavior, both of you." Their mother smiled. 

"Of course Mother." Anastasia beamed, "We'll be the best they've ever seen."

Their Father shook his head, "They're growing up." He took his children in a hug. "I'm proud of you." 

The memories faded away, "Oh sister, you realize we can never be that." 

"We can be better. We could be a family." Anastasia  was holding back tears, "Why is that so hard?" 

"Because it will never be. I choose my side, you choose yours." Gellert began to turn away from his sister. 

"You can  make another choice." She said. 

"I'm sorry Stasia, but I can't." 

There was so much to say, but Gellert would never listen, he would rule the world with or without his sister.

"Assassin!" Screams broke out among the diners. Jacob was spinning about the room with his wand in the air. 

"Jacob!" Anastasia  began casting spells in the hopes no one would get hurt. "We need to get out of here." 

"On it." Lally said as the pages of her book became a bridge. Gellert stood there in the few pages floating down and turning to ash, "Why is it a curse to love you Stasia?" 

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