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March 14, 1932

"We are going to Berlin and there isn't even a decent bottle of anything down here." An annoyed voice popped up to reveal Anastasia Grindelwald. "Just Giggle-Water. Had enough of that bloody nonsense in America."
Theseus Scamander stifled his laughter behind the Daily Prophet. "We're not even all here and you want a drink?"
"Something like that." She muttered surveying the companions within the train car. Newt Scamander was pacing in circles. Yusuf Kama was staring down the headlines of the paper. Bunty Broadacre stood off to the side keeping track of a couple baby nifflers.
"You're nervous." said a deep voice. Anastasia turned to meet the gaze of Percival Graves who was leaning on the counter.
"I haven't been within boundaries since the summer of graduation. Who knows what its come to."
Percival surveyed the dark purple eyes, that clouded at the edges. "Its not home for you anymore is it Stasia?"
She shook her head, "It was home till Gellert and I turned fifteen. He really began the dark arts path then."
"And we will stop him." Percival turned to Newt, "Any chance we can get this started?"

Green flames erupted in the fireplace. "Jacob, Its so good to see you." Newt enveloped the man in a hug. Another burst of green flames out stepped a dark-haired witch.
"Professor Hicks."
"Newt Scamander."
"At long last." They said together. Introductions were made and Newt passed out, a wand to Jacob, a tie for Theseus, and a note for Bunty. Kama, Percival, and Lally already had what they needed.
"And Anastasia, Dumbledore said that you had something."
"Yes." She said touching the pendant at her throat. It was a locket shaped to hold the memories of the Grindelwald family before his decedent into madness.

"This is the team that's going to take down the most dangerous wizard in over a century: a Magizoologist, his indispensable assistant, a wizard descended from a very old family, a school teacher, an American Auror, his equally dangerous sister and... a Muggle." Theseus looked around at the rag tag group.
"Hey we got you too pal and his wand works." said Jacob, taking a sip of Giggle-Water and letting out a laugh.
"Who wouldn't like our chances?" Theseus let out a shaky laugh.

They traveled onward as the train began to finally slow it's pace and reached the station.
"Berlin." Lally said in awe. Anastasia scoffed. "It's not that amazing."
Bunty took the Newt's case from him. "No one can know everything Newt." She said.
She and Yusuf got off, going their separate ways.
Theseus, Newt, Jacob, Lally and Percival followed after Anastasia. They were headed for the Deutsches Ministerium für Magie. Vogel needed to be warned and preferably stopped. 

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