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Circus Arcanus
October 5, 1927

"Tina Goldstein." 
"Anastasia. What are you doing here?" Tina smiled at the older woman, happy to have someone familiar. 
"Same as you. Came to see the show?" She nodded and greeted a few people in French as they walked past. 
"I'm looking for Credence, somehow he survived."
"Dumbledore filled me in, can we not kill him this time."
"Believe me I don't intend to." 
The two entered the tent, Anastasia shivered against the non-existent breeze. 

"She will forever be trapped in the body of a snake." Skender told the crowd. Nagini stood there and finally transformed. 
"Soon she will never be able to turn back."
A clang came from the back, several creatures flew above them, setting fire to the tent. 
"Credence." Anastasia breathed, Tina was hot on her heels. 

"Credence!" Tina felt herself get pulled back as the Zouwu leaps over them free from its chains. When they looked up, Credence was gone. 
"Where is he going, the boy with the girl?" Anastasia asked Skender.
"He is looking for his mother, all my freaks think they can go home." Skender smirked, studying Anastasia. "You would be a fun one to watch."
"Don't ever call me a freak." She said with her wand digging into his neck. "I  only have one word for you: Grindelwald." 
Skender scrambled to get away and she let him. "Coward." Anastasia muttered while Tina stifled her laughter. "We have company." Tina told her. They turned to find a black gentleman approaching them. 
"You are?" Tina asked.
"Yusuf Kama." He replied. 
"What do you want?" 
Kama glanced at the two women, "Same as you." 

Kama's underground layer

"Should have stayed at the school. In fact after this adventure that is exactly what I'm doing." Anastasia mumbled. 
"Highly doubt that, you always loved a good thrill in America." Tina laughed making the other roll her eyes. 
"How is America anyway?" 
"Good I was reinstated as an auror. Madam Picquery worries about you." 
"Really, can't imagine why." 
Tina sighed, shaking her head, "We all know how you and..."
"Don't say his name." Anastasia spat. "He's gone. Can't we let his memory rest?" 

"Newt, its Tina and the blonde one. Oh she looks like she got in fight." Jacob Kowalski appeared alongside poor Newt. 
"That is Anastasia Grindelwald and I believe the marks are..."
"Kama, wait." Tina called out to him as the four were locked in. 
"I will find Credence, I will kill him and fulfill the promise I made to my father." As he said this he covered his eye, "No. Not now." He fell to the ground. 
"Great, now how are we getting out of here?" Anastasia began pacing. 
"Ah ha!" Jacob shouted pointing at Pickett. 
"Ah you little genius." Anastasia scooped up the little creature. Tina took back their wands and passed them out. 
"We've lost our only lead." Tina sighed. 
"Where are we going?" Jacob asked as Newt took a card out of his pocket. 
"I know where." He said as Anastasia smiled. The safest place in Paris. 

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