The Improbablity

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Author's note - Secrets of Dumbledore begins

October 10, 1927

"Ah Anna, I didn't realize you were here." Albus smiled.
"Preparing for today's lesson." She said not looking up from her book. "Defensive magic, dark creatures... Hey!"
"Anna, you need to take a break. You barely got back from Paris." Albus studied the book, "This isn't even meant for students."
"So, I was just going to give them an overview." She snapped taking the book back. "Besides don't have you better things to do."
"Anna, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the blood pact. I didn't know it was going to come to this."
"Well now it has, we can't do anything if we can't fight him."

Albus sat down at one of the student desks. "There is something else you should know."
Sighing Anastasia closed her book. "And what might that be?."
"Madam Picquery visited while you were away. They found him."
"Lead with that next time." She told him, getting up. "I'm going to America."
"Anna, I wouldn't go just yet." Albus stopped her. "Madam Picquery had yet to have details on his condition."
"Fine I'll stay. It would probably be best if I assisted teaching."
"It's going to be okay." Albus told her, "And no more dark magic books."
"If you insist." She said tucking the book under her arm. He took the book from her and shook his head. 
"Fine, are you coming to dinner?" She asked storming out of the classroom.
"Yeah, coming." Albus laughed tossing the book in a chair. 

October 17, 1927

Percival Graves twirled his wand between his fingers, He could almost feel where it had been held by someone else. Softly he smiled, remembering how Anastasia would take it from him and would treat any injuries herself while they were in the field after they got back to MACUSA. 
"You are to rest and no, I'm fine." She would say. 
"Stasia." He would bring her closer and dabbed at the blood and scrapes. "You're at least going to let me do something with this." 
With a  sigh, she would sit down and hand him the hair brush she kept in the bottom drawer of her desk.
"I don't know why I can't just use magic to straighten it out."
"It calms you, you know that. Besides I've got to do something for you." 
Anastasia would eventually settle in, reading her latest book. 

Now it had been a little over two weeks, Madam Picquery had gone no where and there wasn't a single word from Anastasia. There was at least some relief from Tina, who had seen her in Paris. 
"She teaches also and may not know." Percival thought. "Madam Picquery!"
"Percival, I see you've gained a full recovery." She smiled knowingly at him.
"Yes, um. Who did you tell to tell Stasia about me?"
"Dumbledore and I had a lovely chat a couple weeks ago. I do hope he hadn't forgotten." 
"No, I'm sure not." Percival inwardly rolled his eyes, Dumbledore wasn't going to tell and even if he did, she would stay there, On his orders. Just have to keep the one Grindelwald under lock and key because the other one is mad. He never understood that, the need to treat her like a criminal. Yes, she was powerful, but she stood against him. Wasn't that enough? Percival counted himself as one of the few people who knew the Grindelwald name as just name. Anastasia deserved respect, kindness and love.

"Your office still stands, if you're willing..." Madam Picquery seemed at lost for words, but if given the chance he was more than ready to take his old job back. Hopefully there wasn't too much damage. What with both Grindelwalds in the room, he was surprised he even had an office.
"I would be more than happy to return, Madam President." He said.
"I thought you might." She said. Quickly he bid her farewell and walked down the ever familiar hall. Flinging open the door, it was just how it had been left, pristine. They only few key differences where both chairs sat beside their respective desks and there was a brightly colored book on Anastasia's desk.
"It's almost like we never left." Percival whispered shutting the door. 

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