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Percival gracefully reached down and handed Anastasia her wand.
"You're going to want that."
"Yeah. Usually helpful."
The two began to walk down the corridor hand in hand.
"I can make tea when we get back to my office." Anastasia whispered.
"Sounds lovely." Percival smiled. "This place is bigger than I thought."
"Not as big as Durmstrang. I still never discovered all its secrets." Anastasia gave a laugh.
She pushed open the door to reveal a sitting room and her desk, a stack of assignments sat upon it.
"Really should do something with those." She muttered. Percival slowly spun about the room, it was simple. The desk was in the corner, a couch and couple of armchairs sat around the fireplace. There was a small kitchen area and books, shelves upon shelves of books. Some were in English, others German and some looked to be more than a little creepy. Percival just smiled as he heard the kettle being placed on the warm stove.

"I would stay away from shelves twelve through fifteen, they bite." Anastasia said without looking up. "The rest is fair game."
Percival took a peek at the forbidden shelves realizing they were her dark magic books. He knew she understood the theory but shuddered at the idea of her using it.
"That is a lot of No-Maj titles." Percival surveyed the section over. War and Peace, Mrs. Dalloway, The Complete Sherlock Holmes, Edgar Allan Poe... the list went on and on.
"Tea is ready." Anastasia brought over the tray and placed it on the table next yet another stack of books. She landed onto the sagging purple couch. Percival sat next to her and began filling the teacups.
"Honey and a pinch of sugar." He said handing over to Anastasia.
"You remembered." She smiled. 
"And I'll never forget." Percival gently brushed a her white hair behind her ear and trace one of her scars along her cheek. "What happened?"
"My brother had a Chupacabra. It attacked during his escape." Self-consciously Anastasia brought her hair back to cover it. Percival pushed it back again, "You're still beautiful." 

Anastasia set her half-full cup down and looked up at Percival, who simply drew her close to him. "You are always going to be beautiful. I want you to remember that." She nodded against his chest, listening to the calming pattern of his heart. Percival placed a gentle kiss atop her head, while he played with the ends of her hair.
"Do you have classes today?" He asked.
"First and Fourth years, the seventh years were this morning." She replied. 
"Mind if I come with you?"
"You can come, the first years are curious, innocent curious but none the less, will probably pest you with questions."
"And I will answer everyone of them to the best of my ability."

Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom

"Professor Grindelwald!" Several first years scrambled out of their chairs to circle around her. 
"We thought you weren't coming." "Professor Dumbledore said there was a lot going on."
Anastasia raised her hands in silence, "Did he now? One at time what did he say?"
"You're part of the war effort against Gellert Grindelwald." said William Nocs, a small Slytherin boy told her to several nods and hums of agreement. Anastasia looked up to see Albus scratching the back of his neck, he gave a little wave. 
"Professor Grindelwald." said Meghan Lilith, a Hufflepuff tapped her arm, "Who's your friend?"
Anastasia smiled, "Meghan, class, this is Percival Graves. We were colleagues during my time in America." 
"Hello everyone." Percival smiled as the kids looked at him. 
"What do you do?" "How did you meet Professor Grindelwald?" "Are you still friends?" "What is America like?" "Do they have a Ministry of Magic?"...

"Woah, hold up. I will tell you but first take your seats." Percival told them and they scrambled back to their respective chairs. Anastasia walked up the center aisle with Percival and took her place at the front of the classroom.
"I suppose we wouldn't be able to teach anything today until you've all satisfied your curiosity." Anastasia gave a laugh as they all blushed in embarrassment and amusement. 
"Sorry Professor." They chorused, the students adored her and her laid back style. Most students agreed she would have been a terrific older sister. 
"Its okay, You can go back to pestering him. But do so calmly." She said studying their eager eyes and then sitting at her desk. Percival stepped up to where she had been standing.
"Let me see, well..." Percival placed the tips of his fingers together in thought. "I am head of the Major investigations Department and head of the Auror office. Our Ministry is MACUSA or the Magical Congress of the United States of America. I know it's a mouthful. America is wonderful, plenty to do and if you get the chance to visit, keep your wand permit up to date." Percival stopped and glanced at Anastasia, a lot of the questions involved their relationship that didn't even really have any definition between them, that could be discussed later as she nodded for him to continue.
"Professor Grindelwald was asked by Madam Picquery, President of MACUSA to assist with a mysterious force that had threatened to reveal the wizarding world..." 
New York, an explanation of an obscurial from Anastasia, the capturing of Gellert Grindelwald and his own recovery. "I think I covered everything Stasia." 
"Definitely and yes were still friends despite my coming back here." She said to a bright-eyed class.

"Now can we try to complete today's lesson?" They all nodded, "Very good take out your books and turn to page forty-five. Who can tell me what an Erkling is most famous for? 

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