1+. a little idea

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As you probably already know, after Mephone4 got out of prison for putting eliminated contestants in my hotel's closet for MONTHS, we made a deal that they could stay in my hotel for a while.
Episode 14 just ended, so there should be someone coming today.

I saw 2 people stepping out of the portal. "Oh! Hey, Test Tube and-" I paused. "Fan..."We hadn't seen fan the whole day long, but there he was, coming out of the elimination portal with Test Tube.
"Fan, where were you the whole day?" I asked him. "Oh..." he said, avoiding eye-contact.
"I uhm... Well... Test Tube had my egg, so I went back to get it."
"Ugh, whatever. Fan, go back to your room, I'll bring Test Tube to hers."

I started walking as Test Tube followed me. We eventually found our way to the elevator and stepped inside.
I pushed the button to the first floor before the elevator started moving.
We stepped outside when we reached the first floor and continued walking to Tes Tube's room.

"Well, here's your room." I told her. "Your roommate will be Tissues."
She walked inside before tissues immediately sneezed on her.
"Geez,  I'm gonna have to deal with this every day, don't I?" She complained.
I noticed how annoyed she seemed, and I knew some of the other people in the hotel felt the same way about their roommates. Such as Nickel, Trophy and maybe even paintbrush.

Wouldn't it be funny if they had to spend their times with their roommate for a really long time?
Then I got an idea. But, no. That would be stupid. But... I wanted to see their reaction...
Would they become friends? Hate eachother? Or maybe even hurt, or KILL eachother?
That would be fun...

I walked back to my room and opened the door. I saw paper, reading a book.
"Hey, OJ!" He said. "Hi, Paper." I say back. "I wanted to do a little... Lets just say... Experiment..."
"Sounds interesting! Tell me more."
"What if we locked the people in the hotel up with their roommates? See how they would react."
"Oh... uhm... For how long?"
"Probably just a few days."
"Oh! Then it's not so bad. Are you gonna warn them though?"
"Uh... No... I want to make it a surprise!"
"Okay then!" He got back to reading his book.

I walk to my desk and push the button on my microphone.
"Hey paper, do you wanna help me with something?"
"Yeah, what is it?" He asks. "While everyone's distracted,
can you grab their keys from their seats at the pool?"
"Sure!" He said before he left the room and walked to the elevator.


I stepped into the elevator and pushed the button to go to the roof.
I'm still not very sure about this idea, but it'll only be for a few days, so it'll be fine.
I walked out of the elevator when it reached the highest floor. I saw everyone having fun in the pool.
Except for the ones who can't swim, they were just standing somewhere, chatting, or eating ice cream.

I walked to the first seat I saw, and started looking for the keys. I looked in some bags and then I found them.
I repeated this with every seat, since no one was really sitting there.

"This last one, and then I'm done!" I whispered to myself.
I searched in the bags, but I couldn't find them. I started speeding up my searching, hoping to find them before anyone saw me. After searching for a while, i finally found them. Gladly no one saw me!

I walked back, but this time using the stairs, because I didn't want to waste time in the elevator.
I walked down the hallways, but then I heard someone shout.
"HEY! GET BACK HERE!" I tried to run away, but they were faster and pushed me to the ground.
"AAHH!" I screamed.  "What are you doing!?" I turned around to see pickle standing Infront of me.
"What am I doing!? What are you doing!?" "I- I'm just-"
Suddenly I got interrupted by OJ walking toward us.
"What's going on in here?" "He- He stole everyone's keys!" Pickle answered.
OJ sighed."Pickle, can you come to my office real quick?" "Okay..."


We walked to my room/office and stepped inside. "So... Why did I have to come?" Pickle asked.
"You'll see..." I replied before I turned the lights off. "Wh- What!?" He shouted.
I quickly grabbed some tape, tied him to a chair, covered his mouth with it, and pushed him into the closet.
I could hear muffled screams coming from him, but he stopped after a while.

Room for two (an Inanimate Insanity evil OJ AU)Where stories live. Discover now