Love Letter - Part 3

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"Yeah, it's me. It's Y/N. I - um, I found this.. letter.. in this box full of a bunch of things from high school that I kept, and it was from you. This is Shawn, right? Shawn Mendes?"

"Yes," He says, "It's so weird hearing your voice, I never thought.. I never thought I would hear it again."

"I know," You laugh lightly. "To be honest, I didn't know I would ever call again."

"Oh, crap. Yeah. Why did you? Oh right, the letter. You found it?"

You gulp. "Yeah, and, I thought it was really beautiful. And I want to talk about it, but, I don't know. Not on the phone, I mean."

"You do?"


"Well, I'm at home right now. 502 North Houston Drive, if you want to come over maybe?"

"Shawn, I don't know. I do want to, but I would feel awful doing it. I'm married now, and -"

"Y/N, me too. We'll just talk, as friends, okay?" He says. You were surprised to hear that he was married judging from that letter. Maybe he finally moved on.

"Okay. As friends," You manage.

"Great. So.. see you in ten then?"

"Sounds good," You say, hanging up.

You try to remember the address and back out of the driveway, your eyes stinging all the way to his house. It was too painful to think about anything that happened, and marrying Daniel was a brand new start, a future you then had so you could forget everything in the past.

But you couldn't ignore it forever. Because now you have to talk about it.

Shawn got you pregnant when you were in eleventh grade, and you freaked out and didn't tell him until you already had the miscarriage three-weeks in.

When Shawn found out, he didn't believe you, arguing that the two of you only did it once and you definitely used protection. But you showed him an ultrasound picture, and he immediately broke up with you, sure that it wasn't his, that you had cheated.

It was three months later that Shawn finally apologized, saying that he believes you, and he wants to fix things. But you were furious that he would just assume that you were lying without a second thought, so, you left.

He had never told you he loved you before that letter.

By the time you arrive at his front door, you were a nervous wreck. You wipe your eyes and ring the doorbell, and it swung open a moment later.

"Shawn?" You squeak.


He hardly looked any different, but seeing him after so long was really strange. And you almost missed him a little bit.

"C-c'mon in," He stutters, opening the door wider. You squeeze past him and look around the place before he tells you to make yourself comfortable, and so you ease into a love seat by the window.

He sits on the couch across from you, crossing his legs.

"So, how are you? How have you been?" He asks, concerned.

"I've been okay. I have a husband and two kids now. What about you? Where's your wife?"

"She's.. um.. " He sighs and shuts his eyes. "We got divorced six years ago."

You blink twice and gasp. "I'm so sorry," You say.

"It wasn't love. It wasn't what you have."

"I don't know what I have anymore," You say quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"Leaving you was a big mistake. Like, I was mad, and young, and stupid. And I thought we were never going to work out anyways, but, I don't know, if I'd found that letter sooner, maybe we would've. But it's all too late now."

"No it's not!" He says quickly, standing up and slowly sitting down right next to you, your eyes meeting as he grabs your temples.

"It's never too late, Y/N," He whispers, his face inches from yours.

"I can't just abandon everything I have," You say slowly, thinking of Daniel and what a divorce might do to your kids, and it's crazy that a divorce is even on the table. It's crazy that Shawn is this close to you. All of this is crazy.

"Do you love me, Y/N?"

You feel tears start to well up in your eyes as you look into his, noticing the seemingly unfathomable desperation in the two deep wells staring back at you.

You nod steadily. "Y-yes. Yes, I love you."

"Then I will be your family. I will fix everything. We'll figure this out, Y/N," He says, entwining his fingers in yours.

"Everything in that letter was true. I love you so much, Y/N."

"Then let's be a family," You say, just as he leans in and fits his mouth to yours, closing the gap between you.

When he pulls away, he smiles and says, "I'd like that."

Shawn Mendes ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang