Thank God, I didn't forgo panties when I was dressing up for the sleepover, although I tossed my bra aside.

Apart from that little incident though, last night was fun.

From the loud karaoke game, to annoying Mr. Ash, to gossiping late at night, to making midnight introducing my friends to the interesting game of Slapjack.

Turns out Amara already knew how to play that and Blackjack as well. She said she'd been having a lot of free time, so she bought herself a pile of cards. She plays with Grandma Odi and apparently, she's currently ten times richer.

I wonder where that old woman gets her gaming and betting spirit from.

During gist time, I got myself a butt load of information.

Jade's got herself a new admirer - forgotten his name.

Nessa and Brody are still going strong.

Oma is going out with Mr. Curls - his name is Calix. After he gave her his number and we saved her from embarrassing herself - she wanted to sing on stage - in that club on that fateful day, Calix asked her out. She's lucky he didn't hear her voice or she'd still be single.

Sandra is still fooling around with Amir.

And Amara...well, Amara said she spent a lot of time visiting my old house to check up on Tom, and see if he has been taking good care of it. He has; there has been no incidence of robbery too. All great news, yeah yeah, but those things weren't what we girls wanted to hear.

She didn't quench our thirst by saying something about her romance life. She didn't say anything about a new 'fling' and that was a bit surprising; she just kept stroking Toodles and muttering sweet nothings to it like a Cruella De Vil.

Jade was stuttering and shivering like a worm being sprinkled with salt during the entirety of our romantic conversation. I instantly knew something was up, so I asked her what the problem was. She didn't even hesitate before she spilled the beans.

Mr. Ash had gone to visit them at Amara's house.

At first, I didn't think anything of this; I thought maybe he had some work or...something to do there, but that wasn't the case, no. I found this out because the gossip just kept on coming.

They said he went there in hopes of getting just Amara, but he got the whole package, except Sandra; she had work that night.

They continued by telling me he came to get information...on me. Now, this bit had me widening my eyes and sitting up on the blanket laid down for us on the floor.

But oh, they weren't done. Apparently, he wanted them to tell him about me because somehow his delusional self thought that rather than apologizing, going to my friends for tips would make me forgive his callous ass.

They each answered a question about me, and I couldn't help but feel slightly - just slightly - happy at the fact that my friends know me so well; and also slightly - just slightly - mad at them because they went behind my back and answered his useless questions.

They told him my favorite movies, artists...and about my strong dislike for brown chocolate. Turns out he's the one who got me those. If I had known, I would have grabbed the box of brown poison and smacked Joe with it in the face fifteen times.

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