Chapter six-The release of the Strom Dragon:

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Sorry I'm doing my best with grammar. I know I suck I will do my best! I did my best to reddit all the chapter Im sorry if their still mistakes in writing.

Any hoo All right belong to Fuse,Crunchyroll, Funimation and EightBit I don't own anything. This is just for fun

On to the next chapter

Onward with the story

Chapter six-The release of the Strom Dragon:

The weeks were brutal for the storm dragon. Every day he inched closer to some semblance of normalcy.

"Come on, just a little more!"

Veldora hated this contraption. Michiko assured him it wasn't a torture device.

Veldora feared that if either one of his sisters learned of such a device, they would use it to their advantage.

The false floor moved faster beneath the Storm Dragon. Despite the encouraging words, he wished for nothing more than for this machine to stop.

The true dragon Sweating buckets, he wiped his brow as the machine began to slow down.

"You did it Veldora-kun!"

"Of course! This is an easy task for me! I'm simply amazing. As I recall, you promised me something sweet? A reward for my labor?" She promised a present, a gift if Veldora improved his therapy.

"Did I ?" Michiko playfully teased.

"Don't tease me, Michiko," the Storm Dragon growled. "I am not one to be trifled with."

"Fine, no joking. Got it," Michiko said, handing him a beautiful green custard in a clear plastic cup. He didn't waste any time in savoring the taste.

" I didn't know you liked matcha green pudding that much."

"Yes, Haruna and Shuna are skilled at making this dessert. The pudding here, could rival Shuna's cooking, but I would not dare tell her that. She's a proud chef."

Michiko hadn't gone out for drinks with her co-workers in quite some time. Truthfully, she would have preferred to stay at home playing video games or reading her light novels. Anywhere but here.

"Cheers!" Instead of beer, Michiko ordered tea. She didn't want to get wasted in front of her co-workers.

"So, Michiko, you're still assigned to Dragon boy!" Tama hiccuped, with one sip.

"You're too nice, if it was me. I would have gotten rid of him. Long ago! Patients are so ick..." His words slurred, face already flushed.

"Besides, he's a foreigner. They should send him back to wherever the hell he came from. He did say he lived in a cave, didn't he?" Tama laughed.

"Honestly, if I had been offered to work with him. I would have turned it down immediately. I'm impressed with you, Mikami-san."Another person said.

"He's not difficult, just a bit eccentric. Once you get past his little quirks, Arashi-san is pretty easy to work with." Michiko didn't think that Veldora was a difficult person. In his own way, the man was kind and friendly. He just didn't understand social cues.

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