Prelude-Dr Goto troubled patient

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Hi I'm the space cadet, it been many earth rotation since I wrote any fanfic and frankly I was in retirement. Put away my keyboards,pen and papers etc.

For good.

Somehow an idea was born..

Maybe because I recently saw the movie it was fun. I rate it 7 out of 10 stars.

I think it need a bit more of run time and probably a more flesh out Story/ Characters lol.

Either way I had a good time watching it!

All right belong to Fuse,Crunchyroll, Funimation and EightBit I don't own anything.

Please note this will be mostly based on the anime series , spin off slime diaries, light novel up to 15 vol (not web version cause I haven't read that) probably the game Isekai memories. Fan fic set up after season 2. definitely gonna deviated from cannon.

I haven't really read that far into the manga version or web novel.

I present you with this..

The Strom Dragon and the Nightingale

Prelude-Dr Goto troubled patient:

The man in a blue patient gown threw another punch at the security guard. He had been a patient at this psychiatric ward for about six months under the care of the esteemed Dr. Asa Goto.

"You can't keep me here!" Now serval doctors and nurses attempt to calm down the man. However this patient was prone to violent outbursts. Now he was corner by most of the medical staff from the eight floor.

"Look Ryoto-san, all we want to do is help you get better. You are not well," Dr. Goto softly said, walking towards the self-proclaimed dragon.

"I am perfectly sound of mind; I can assure you. It is you who are not well!"

"This may seem scary, but it's for your own good. You are not a dragon. The city of monsters and the great forest of Jura don't exist. You need to face these facts."

"Dr Goto you are gravely mistaken. I'm not a dragon. I'm a true dragon, Veldora Tempest the great and mighty storm dragon!" Dr Goto rubbed his temples, placing a hand in his pocket. Dr Goto was one of the countries best leading doctors in mental health.

His top patient, troublemaker Ryoto Arashi had done it again.

Ryoto Arashi wasn't his real name; it was the name he was given by the Japanese government since he had no identity.

However Ryoto Arashi clearly didn't look Japanese. He was tall, tan with golden blonde hair. His usual golden eyes, which the doctor guesses is probably a rare mutation of some sorta. Despite his strange face markings, he had a good jawline. He was gifted with the body of a Greek God.

Ryoto would have passed for a handsome young man if he weren't so wrapped up in his fantasies. His attitude wasn't any better; the man was loud, self-centered, and intimidating.

Dr Goto was a curious man, he had been working on this peculiar case, for the last six months. Ryoto had no identity, as if he appeared out of thin air. And too top it off he believe in some sort of delusions.

The man claim he wasn't human but a dragon. Specifically a true dragon, a Strom dragon. Whatever that meant.

The doctor had originally thought this to be a form of dissociative identity disorder; however, he now believed it was more in line with schizophrenia.

Since the patient couldn't remember anything from the past, the doctor assumed he might have a form of amnesia and added it to his diagnosis.

Maybe he suppressing trauma.

"Ryoto-san, I'm sorry but we can't let you go. Sooner or later you will realize you are not a dragon named Veldora." Dr. Goto said without hesitation as he took out an injection from his coat.

Ryoto's golden eyes had tears, realizing he had been struck. "I told you. My dear boy, you are not well. I will help you get better." The man said faintly. An hour later, after the ordeal, Dr. Goto's troubled patient was currently sedated.

Or so he thought.

A crashing sound came from down the hallway; he heard people screaming. Immediately, he rushed out to join the crowd forming near the window.

Realizing his troublesome patient had escaped, he jumped out of the window.

To Be Continued maybe

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