Battle of New York (Part 3)

Comenzar desde el principio

"Damn man, cold." Grinch shot a look at Truck as the two looked back at Arrow. Arrow turned to the squad who watched everything. He pointed to the jammer on the other side of the roof.

"We gotta take it down, let's move!" He immediately pushed forward as the rest of the squad resumed their mission, moving to support Arrow as he advanced to the jammer. He knelt down, providing over watch.

Sandman turned to Frost, "Frost, put thermite on the jammer's power supply! We'll cover!" Frost nodded as she rushed to the jammer and placed the device on the power supply and pulled the detonator out of her vest.

"Thermite's in place, clear the blast radius!" She shouted as the squad immediately pulled back.

Sandman nodded, "Burn it, Frost." Frost nodded and squeezed the detonator as an explosion rocked the roof as the jammer began to tip over as the explosion damaged all the supports holding the device in place.

Truck stood from his position, "It's coming down!"

Grinch cheered, "Adios tower!"

Arrow exhaled a sigh of relief as Sandman pushed against his comtacs, "Overlord, this is Metal Zero-One! Target neutralized! Do you read me?"

Everyone's radio crackled as communications suddenly started to roll through. "This is- We've got a man down! We've got a man-"

"We hear you infantry, we hear you."

"If you don't mind us, help! We need help! Now!"

"This is Juliet Two-Four, requesting a bombing run on TRP Four, Nine, One, One. Got you, affirmative. We've got you loud and clear."

Overlord's radio transmission suddenly came through next, "Roger, Zero-One. All systems are operational. We're sending a Black Hawk to your location for exfil, ETA three minutes."

"Roger, we're standing by!" Sandman smiled as he looked at the entire team. "Good work, all of you. Especially you Arrow."

Arrow turned his head at Sandman and nodded, "Than-" A bullet whizzed past him, hitting the ground behind him. "Contact!" He raised his weapon at the infantry gathering on the rooftop across from the team and began to open fire, suppressing as many as he could. The team immediately pushed forward and began firing upon the Russians as another group opened fire from a building to the left of where they were currently taking fire.

Overlord radioed through again, "ISR is back online. We are detecting multiple hostiles on the rooftops in your area. You now have OPCON of a fully armed Predator."

Overlord radioed through again, "ISR is back online. We are detecting multiple hostiles on the rooftops in your area. You now have OPCON of a fully armed Predator."

"Roger that, Frost, establish an uplink with the Predator and buy us some time!" Frost nodded as she opened her uplink laptop and controlled the Predator, firing missiles on the strong points that were heavily engaging the team.

"Good hits, good hits!" Arrow confirmed to Frost as the gunfire began to dwindle down until a Hind flew into view, twisting around to view the team.

"Holy shit, get down!" Truck shouted as Grinch and Truck dove behind cover. Arrow leaned into some cover, but Frost was in the open as Sandman turned to her.

"Hit that Hind!" Sandman shouted as Frost was way ahead of him. The missile came streaking down, crashing into the tail of the Hind, creating a massive fireball. The wounded helicopter began to spin out of control as the bird rapidly lost altitude, spiraling into the surface below.

Arrow raised his eyebrows and turned back to the ensuing firefight as a helicopter immediately flew past the group. 'God damnit, not another Hind!' However the bird spun around, hovering directly in front of the group.

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