Chapter 17 - My Sunshine

Start from the beginning

[Pixlriffs] Guys, I'm fine


[Pixlriffs] I turned off notifications of pms



[OrionSound] I could never let my romantic partner die on me

[LDShadowLady] :0

[Smajor1995] :0


[Smajor1995] YESSSSSS

[SmallishBeans] :O

[SolidarityGaming] :O ?

[KatherineElizabeth] :O :D

[Pixlriffs] what are these faces....

[Pixlriffs] is this the reaction to what oli said

[Pixlriff] sunshine, help

[OrionSound] :0 sunshine? Cute pet name, I like it

[OrionSound] You could have just said that out loud yknow tho

[OrionSound] We are sitting right next to each other

[OrionSound] You are giving me cuddles

[Smajor1995] :O 🌈

[Pixlriffs] im muting all notifications till tomorrow

[fWhip] >:(

[OrionSound] What about mine?

[Pixlriffs] all except for oli

The two of them burst out laughing, slipping away their communicators. "That's one way to tell them..." Pix mumbled, his face red.

"So... sunshine, eh?"

"Yeah... Are you fine with me calling you that?" Pix asked.

"Like I said in chat, I like it." Oli smiled, kissing the top of Pix's head, "Do I need to come up with a pet name for you, then?"

"Nothing cheesy.... Please..."

"Why not?" Oli chuckled, Pix burying his red face into Oli's neck. "Okay, okay, I won't!"

"Oli... Sunshine..."


"I love you..."

"I love you too."

"You seem... happier?" Scott glanced to Pix with a smile.

"I mean- I'm no longer dying?" Pix mentioned, "And as much as a romantic relationship isn't everything, it feels nice to have someone who just cares so much..."

"You and Oli are cute together. You make me feel so single..." Scott complained.

"Go flirt with Jimmy or whatever!" Oli butted in from behind, the teal haired boy flushed red.

"I- I don't like the sheriff! Nope- I don't!"

"Sureeee..." Oli teased, a smirk on his face, moving to lean against Pix.

"Oli, the more you tease him, the more he'll tease us." Pix pointed out.

"Eh, you are the one who gets flustered. I'm fine!" Oli mentioned.

"You are so chaotic, sunshine." Pix sighed, Oli kissing the top of his head.

"Such cute gays, I'm jealous!" Scott said dramatically.

"Like I said, go flirt with Jim." Oli shrugged.

Oli flopped down next to the brunette. "Sunshine, thanks for helping my clean up my place..."

"Of course, no problem!" Oli smiled to the other, "it was a bit... bloody?"

"I didn't have any energy to clean up at that point..." Pix mumbled.

"It was understandable. You were dealing with a lot..." Oli brushed a hand through Pix's hair, "I'm so glad you were able to get through it all... I'm glad you survived..."

"I'm glad I survived too..." Pix gave a gentle smile, "If I hadn't, you would have never known how I feel..."

"And you never would have known how long I've been crushing on you!"

"You had been crushing on me for a long time..?"

"Ehhhh- Definitely not since like a few weeks after I met you- No, never-" Oli awkwardly chuckled.

"You are so adorable..."

"You're one to talk."

"How am I adorable?"

"Your little history rants are the cutest thing ever."

"Oh, I can talk about history forever." Pix chuckled, "You willing to deal with my rants?"

"Deal with? Oh, listening to your rants is a gift."

"Well, dating me comes with many special interest rants." (Me to my partner, them having to deal with my empires and hc rants)

"I'm glad..."

"Sunshine... I love you..."

"I love you too... I will always..."

(1025 words)

This is the final chapter. I hope you have enjoyed!

This is my first finished fanfication book! Yayyyy! It was so fun writing this, with all the cute gay moments

Pix and Oli are so cute <3

I hope you have enjoyed. Hopefully I'll start a new empires book soon (since all the rest of my books are HC). Any ideas for my next empires book? (Listener Jimmy is a consideration) Or would you guys like another Olix book? Maybe a modern AU? Well, if you have anything you'd really find cool, you could suggest it!

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