Chapter 17 - My Sunshine

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"Gem!!!" The loud voice of a familiar bard echoed out within Dawn.

"Oh my god, Oli, what now?" The door to the bee building opened, a certain princess exiting.

"Gem! Gem! Gem! Geminitay!" Oli chanted wandering over to the monarch, dragging on a certain someone.

"I assume Pix has something to do with what you're going to tell me?" Gem asked, gesturing to the red faced Pix, who soon leaned his head into Oli's shoulder.

"Yeah- Yeah! Sooooo..." Oli thought for a moment, before saying, "I got myself a romantic partner!"

"Oh, you and Pix are dating now?" The princess of dawn asked, getting a rapid nod from the bard, "Finally! Does this mean Pix is all cured now..?"

"Correct!" Oli smiled, before quickly mentioning, "And, as much as it seems like Pix is just extremely flustered, -which they are, but besides the point- me bringing him along was 100% consensual! They're the one who allowed me to show off that I got myself a romantic partner!"

Gem chuckled, "I see, I see."

Pix, still red faced, leaned up to glance at Gem. "You're actually the first person that knows. I didn't practically care who knew, so I'm letting Oli do the telling. Plus, less embarrassing for me."

The princess nodded, a smirk on her face, "Understandable."

"Oh- Shouldn't we inform Shelby, Scott, and fWhip? Just so they know you're cured?" Oli turned to Pix, getting a small nod.

"Come on, Pix!" The bard gave a wide smile to the other.

"It's so embarrassing..."

"Pix.." Oli stepped forward, placing a hand on Pix's cheek, "If you don't want me to tell people, I won't. Or if you want, I can go alone, and you don't even have to be there."

"I want people to know... And I want to be there, but it's still making me flustered..." Pix mumbled.

"We could get some food before anything else if you want. Or we could just sit down for a bit." Oli offered, "I could play you a song? If I do recall, you said you liked my musical talent, and my singing voice."

"I think I'd like that..."

The blonde dragged his partner to the edge of the bridge -which they were currently on- taking a seat. Oli slipped the lute from his shoulder, bringing it to his lap. Pix wrapped his arms around Oli's waist, resting their head onto the bard's shoulder. Oli giggled at the small action, leaning into the taller. Slowly, the bard plucked at the coords, a soft song coming from the strings.

Oli didn't bother adding words, just softly humming along.

It lasted for only a few minutes, as it was soon interrupted from the buzz of both of their communicators.

[fWhip] Does anyone know where Pix is

[fWhip] They haven't responded to my messages and he isn't in the ancient capital

[fWhip] I'm getting really worried

"fWhip messaged you?" Oli questioned, Pix looking through his communicator.

"I turned off notification of personal messages for today..." Pix mumbled, "I didn't want to interrupt us hanging out."

[Smajor1995] did something happen to him...?

[Shubble] They were saying the pain was getting really bad...

"We should say something." Oli mentioned, "They might be thinking you're dead..."

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