Chapter 5 - Ow

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"Is he alive..?"

"Yeah. He would have respawned if not."

"What happened?"

"Fell out of the sky, and landed in one of my flower fields. Really don't understand how he survived."

"He what!? How did you just fall out of the sky!? Did his elytra break!?"

"fWhip, quiet down. No, his elytra didn't break. He just- just fell, I guess?"

Pix slowly blinked open his eyes. The light from a window was surprisingly bright, getting them to squint their eyes. He groaned in pain, their entire body hurting.

"Pix? You awake?"

Pix soon saw an emperor at his side. They blinked a few times, but it was a bit blurry. He could guess who it was though, from the colourful outfit and scottish accent.

"S-scott..?" Pix managed to strain out.

"Do you know what happened?" Scott asked. Pix just blinked a few more times, without answering. "Can you sit up?" Pix shook his head. "Want me to help you up?" After getting a nod, Scott helped the archaeologist sit up.

Pix could see one other person. They were fairly short, green skinned. "Is that fWhip..?"

"Yep, that's me." The goblin took him, walking over, "Scott says you fell out of the sky. What even happened?"

Pix had to think it over... Oli... Pix coughed roughly, blood and flowers staining the elbow of their shirt. "I... Lost balance..." He answered.

"Pix..." Scott stared to the spot Pix had coughed into.

They paused, glancing to his inner elbow, "Oh- Um... I should get going! S-sorry for taking up your time..." He slipped their legs over the side of the bed, carefully pushing themself to their feet, just managing to stand. Barely. He checked through his inventory, before asking, "Where's my elytra..?"

"I took it off you when I found you. I don't think it's safe for you to fly currently." Scott stated.

"I- I'll begin my way back on foot then! Too bad I don't have Winchester..." Scott extend an arm, but Pix pushed past. "Pix- Please- Just rest." fWhip pleaded.

"Sorry, but I have stuff to do. I-it's too important to leave."

Pix sighed, making his way along the large bridge. They shot a message at Shelby, mentioning that they knew who it was. He coughed once again, hands on knees to support themself. They coughed many times. It hurt so much... This had only been going on 3- 4 days? And it already hurt so much. He didn't know if it was normal for it to hurt so much so early, or if it meant he was going to die soon. If he only had two weeks, the shortest time Shelby said, he would never tell Oli in time.

He needed time to get closer with Oli. To be kind to him, just in case he would die, or if he had to take the potion and he lost all memory of him. Pix knew he probably would have to take the potion.

The cheerful, over eccentric, cute bard would never love him back.

Oli would never love the nerdy, socially anxious, autistic archaeologist. (Autistic bit is a headcanon from A_Fanfic_Queen)

That's what Pix thought at least. What reason would Oli have to love him?

Oli didn't need a reason.

He loved the archaeologist anyway.

Pixlriffs didn't know that though.

(519 words)

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