Chapter 4 - The Enderian

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He arrived upon the beach, smiling softly at the gorgeous, colourful tent. There were only a few sounds. A campfire... The waves... Small bird chirps... Finally, the notes from a lute. It was simple coords, just seemingly testing it, but it was so peaceful. Pix's footsteps against the sand soon were another sound added.

The lute stopped. Pix entered the tent, smiling to the blonde who had just put down the magic lute. "Pix! Welcome to the Olipeligo! Don'tcha like the tent?" Oli hopped to his feet. "I do, it is very wonderful." Pix wandered over close to the bard.

"May I ask you the reason for wanting to meet with me?"

"Oh, yes. I wanted to ask you a question, or two."

"Well, do go ahead!"

"What's your favourite flower?"

"Oh- my favourite flower? Many are very beautiful, but I do quite enjoy the alliums!" Oli gave a bright smile.

Pix paused... Alliums... Out of all people, they subconsciously fell for this man... He thought it all over. Oli... They had always found Oli fascinating, being the first on this server they called Empires. He just thought they were becoming friends, maybe somewhat close even, but they had fallen for the bard!? Pix hoped Oli didn't notice the dusting of pink over their cheeks.

"Is there a reason you like alliums?" Pixlriffs questioned.

Oli thought for a moment, "I like the colour purple... It reminds me of the good times."

"The... the good times?"

Oli chuckled, "Oh, the good times! It was a time that Sausage remembered me- it was a peaceful time! It was the time of after-life!"

"Fascinating... How does the colour purple connect to this?"

"My hands were purple!"

Pix was about to say something but stopped. Purple... hands? "Y-your hands were purple..?"

"Oh, yes! I was an enderian! Like- I was an enderman hybrid!" Oli said proudly, hands on hips, "That was my first life of many, but that was my favourite! I worshiped what was known as the 'orb.' It was very fun! And I was friends with Sausage, who was an angel!"

"Interesting... W-well, I think I should get going! Thanks for answering my questions!" Pix quickly said, feeling a cough likely coming. Oli was the last person they wanted to find out...

"Feel free to drop off anytime! You are always welcome here, Pix!"

Pix waved, leaving quickly. He finally shot off, letting his elytra carry him. While in the air, they let out a cough, leaving him heavily off balance. Thankfully they were able to catch himself before hitting anything. Once halfway home, another cough interrupted their flight.

He fell.

He couldn't get back on the air. They plummeted. Soon enough, they hit the ground, the last sight being some bright buildings before he passed out.

He was too tired to even try to keep their eyes open...

(456 words)

I know this chapter is short, but I have plans for the next chapter that works best if it gets cut here! Hope you've been enjoying the book so far, it is very fun to write.

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