Battle of New York City

Start from the beginning

Frost approached Arrow, "Proper introduction, I'm Dianne Westbrook, or Frost." She stuck out her hand and Arrow grabbed her hand and shook it firmly.

"Austin Rehnskiold. Arrow."

Frost smiled and nodded her head as she let go of his hand as Arrow turned to Sandman who held a few patches out. "Take em, hide the Spades. Let's go!" He shouted as the team scrambled to their Humvees. Arrow slid into the seat next to Frost and replaced his patches as he remained silent, getting adjusted in his seat. As the engine switched on, he closed his eyes to take a nap.

Frost glanced over at him and chuckled. "He must be an operator for sure if he can sleep here."

Sandman nodded, "He might just be what we need. No offense to you all."

Frost held up her hand, "None taken boss."

The rest of the ride into the city was quiet as distant fire could be heard which grew louder and louder. Arrow still napped, but he was alert. Sandman turned to the driver, "Take that road." He pointed to the street to the right, the most direct route to the jammer.

"Gotcha." The driver replied as he constantly kept his alert up. The atmosphere became very tense as Arrow opened his eyes and held his weapon tightly to him. He made sure everything was loaded and ready to go mentally as his eyes darted from alley to alley. Suddenly the driver shouted, "RPG!" He swerved but the explosion caught the Humvee flipping the vehicle on its side as everyone was thrashed around roughly. The Humvee finally came to a stop as everyone coughed.

"Frost, Frost!" Sandman turned, shouting as Frost groaned.

"I'm... good." Frost groaned as Arrow shifted in his spot. Arrow withdrew his knife and cut the seatbelt.

"Fuck that was great." He grunted as he fell on the door next to him, however he moved around carefully and was ready to climb out.

"Driver's dead, get switched on, we need to get outside now!" Sandman sliced his seatbelt and tumbled slightly but he was more prepared and had his hand on the door, pushing the door open. He climbed outside as Frost pushed her door open. She looked down as Arrow was behind her, getting ready to move as she did.

"Stay behind me!" She shouted as she pulled herself out, jumping off the Humvee as she was followed by Arrow. Sandman tossed Frost a mag with her catching the mag and reloading her weapon.

"Set!" She shouted as Truck and Grinch dismounted from their Humvee and ran up to their position. Sandman snapped his head.

"The jammer's 500 meters north! We'll leg it from here! Let's go! Grinch, Truck, you up?!"

The two ran over and slid behind Arrow, "We're good!" Sandman nodded as he motioned for the team to move forward as a Stryker began to advance with the team, providing covering fire. Arrow kept his head down as rounds flew around him, striking rocks or clanging off the Stryker.

"This thing is a fucking bullet magnet, we got to get away from it!" Arrow shouted to Frost as she nodded immediately and the two split off on the right flank, pushing up the street as a nearby radio off a fallen American crackled.

"Any station, any station — this is Blackjack Actual in the clear. Forty percent casualties, three combat outposts overrun! Russian tanks inside the perimeter! Our lines of communication have been compromised! We are out of options — conducting a tactical withdrawal to supplementary positions!"

Arrow shook his head slightly, scoffing in the process. Frost glanced at him with a puzzled look and Arrow met her gaze. "I'll tell you later!" A round snapped next to Arrow as he ducked down as Frost dove behind a barrier.

"Yeah, that's if we survive!" She retorted. She peaked, spotting an enemy UAZ with the machinegun active. "Grinch, I got an enemy crow pinning Arrow and I down!"

"I gotcha, hang tight." Gunfire on the left flank opened up, striking the UAZ as Truck also engaged in the shootout with Sandman pushing up. He reached a pillar and peaked with his rifle, shooting the machine gunner.

"Target down, Arrow move!"

"Bounding!" Arrow shouted as he jumped up and pushed himself over rubble through the open as Russian fire intensified on him however he was unfazed by the carnage. Frost watched as her admiration grew more, most would've sought cover.

"Sniper, careful!" A shout pierced the sky as crack echoed through the street with Arrow falling down behind cover.

"Arrow's down, looks like he got hit!"

"Fuck there goes the newbie!" Truck shouted as the group immediately opened fire on the location with the Stryker behind them opening fire on the area the sniper was supposedly sought in.

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