1. Welcome to SHIELD

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Pietro was dead.

But so was his killer. Wanda made sure of that.

She remembered the feeling of her red magic going inside of the robot, digging out it's metal heart and crushing it to pieces. There was no life left in him, Wanda made sure of that.

Then she remembered being taken by the Vision, brought back up to the helicarrier and set down. That didn't lead to anything good though, for all she saw was the bloodied remains of her brother. She remembered sobbing for hours upon hours, the only emotion filling her head was grief.

But apparently that wasn't good enough for the Avengers.

Nick Fury pulled her aside specifically, ordering her to man up in order to take her spot on the team. Then there was the outburst.

"I don't want to be on your god pathetic team of killers!" Wanda shouted angrily.

"Well you're no better than any one of them and you either join this team or my men will be assigned to track you down and kill you. You are a threat, Maximoff, and if you don't recognize what we have to do then we have no use for you." Fury replied sharply.

"I'd rather be dead than be with the likes of you." Wanda snapped back.

However, Natasha turned out to be in the room when it happened, and she didn't like the idea of Wanda dying.

"Fury, relax. Agent Maximoff has gone through a lot. Her country was destroyed, she deserves a break." Natasha said, and somehow her words seemed to calm Fury.

"Fine. But she can't leave. Not yet anyways."

"How about Coulson's team." Natasha suggested.

Fury gave her a look of warning, but he thought it over.

Now Wanda was sitting in a private jet for shield, being shipped to a new team. One that was more private than the Avengers, but one where Fury could still keep an eye on her.


After a good few hours of flight in nothing but empty silence, her mind being the only thing keeping her company, the jet landed. The small window that stood next to her revealed where they were, a giant ship in the middle of the ocean.


"Agent Coulson is on board, he is waiting for you below." The pilot directed.

Wanda said nothing.

She picked up the small coat that she found, quickly sliding it on. It was a dark red that complimented her black skirt and tank top. It also kept her warm in the cold night air.

The area around was pitch black, but thankfully there were lights in the ship that displayed where Wanda could enter inside of the ship.

The back of the jet opened and Wanda walked out, seeing many more small jets parked on the top of the ship. She made her way towards the entrance of the ship, shivering slightly.

She found a staircase leading down, and she quickly moved that way, immediately feeling warmer when she was inside.

Almost as soon as she was inside, she heard a loud buzzing, like the sound of an alarm going off.

At first she assumed it was her own fault, accidentally triggering something. Then she realized it was something far worse.

A blue cloud of energy formed in front of her, revealing two figures. One was a human looking boy with no eyes, and the other was a smaller woman with spikes coming out of her skin in all angles. Her yellow eyes were the part that caught Wanda off guard, however.

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