9. Joey

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It had been six months since Jaiying tried to start a war with SHIELD.

May wasn't back.

Simmons was gone. There was an item called the Monolith that the Inhumans had been so desperate to get their hands on. Mack was in charge of it, and when he let Simmons come in and do a final review of it before locking it away for good, it expanded out like a wave and sucked her up. Now it was a solid rock.

That was six months ago.

Fitz and Wanda seemed to be the only people holding on hope that she was still alive. Fitz seemed much less rational than Wanda though.

And there were new Inhumans being revealed every day.

Apparently, Jaiying had brought a bunch of Terrigen crystals into a plane, then Daisy shoved that plane into the ocean in order to stop Jaiying. The crystals cracked under the pressure of the water and the mist was released into the sea. Then fish seemed to absorb the Terrigen and when fishermen caught them and turned their liquids into oils, that seemed to give way to Inhumans being born.

It was a complicated process. But now if you ate one of those fish oils and you happened to be an inhuman, unlucky you.


"It seems his power is some sort of element changing ability. He can liquefy solid objects. Or at least that's what I can see from here."

Daisy looked through the Quinjet window down at the havock that was stirring below.

"I'll get the agents, you get the guy." She stated.

"You got it." Wanda nodded.

There was a group of opposing agents who hated Inhumans, and every time a new Inhuman was found, they always seemed to reach them first. They made the whole situation quite a hassle for Daisy and Wanda, but both of the girl's powers were better than the soldiers.

Wanda used her powers to boost herself onto a building, to which she quickly ran across until she came to the open alley between two buildings. That was where the Inhuman was hiding.

The agents seemed to find out that he was there at the same time as Wanda, because they quickly turned their guns and started shooting at the man.

Wanda dropped down in front of him, casting a shield to defend the Inhuman and catch the bullets.


Before the soldier could call to his other agents, the ground began to shake and Wanda smirked. Two agents who had been shooting the Inhuman and Wanda suddenly went flying through the air and Daisy came into view, a quake blasting out of her hand.

Mack and Hunter also hurried into the alley, but they were setting up the landing pod that the group was planning to take the Inhuman into.

"What the.." The inhuman man mumbled worriedly.

Wanda turned to him now that she was standing next to him.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. I'm Wanda, what's your name?" She asked calmly but quickly.


"What's your name?" Wanda repeated.


"Okay Joey, I'm with SHIELD. So is my friend Daisy over there-"

Wanda didn't glance behind herself to see Daisy quaking one of the soldier's cars away since it had loaded guns in it.

"-We're here for your protection." Wanda finished.

"There's more on the way!" Mack called. "First unit's down or wetting themselves. That S.U.V. got the point across."

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