4. Newsflash

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More news. According to Simmons, the rock that the man turned into was terragenesis. It turned humans into inhumans by some sort of chemical equation that Wanda didn't fully understand. And if non inhumans touch it... Well they die.

So Wanda ahead two guesses as to what happened. If Gonzalez truly did shoot Jaiying, she used terrigenous in response as a back up. If Jaiying was lying about everything, she killed him on purpose and shot herself for the sake of making him seem guilty.

Either way, this was not good for SHIELD.

The Quinjet was in the air, flying back to HQ in order to get away from the war brewing in the Inhuman city, and to get Cal in the custody of Coulson.

"Jemma, do we have confirmation on who actually fired the missle?" Coulson asked.

Added note, Simmons' first name was Jemma. And Fitz's first name was Leopold or something like that. May's first name was Melinda. Wanda just then found that out.

"No sir, we're still sorting out what happened with that Quinjet." Simmons replied. "Our priority was to get all SHIELD personnel out safely."

Wanda glanced behind herself, noticing Agent May standing to her feet, confused as to how she got back to the jet. She didn't show that confusion, instead making her way over to Simmons and Wanda to see who was piloting the jet.

"Was there any resistance to that from the locals?" Coulson asked in response to Simmons.

"No, they seemed as keen on leaving as we were. Perhaps retreating to shelters or bunkers." Gonzalez's assistant spoke from the other line that was connected to the other Quinjet. The one that didn't fire a missle down at the city.

"Or they evacuated." Coulson added. "We know they have a powered way out."

He then caught sight of Melinda.

"May." He spoke.

"Where's Skye?" May asked.

"How are you feeling?" Simmons asked at the same time.

"I have a headache and I asked a question." May stated.

"None of this would've happened if Gonzalez hadn't attacked." Simmons replied, angrily.

"He didn't." Wanda cut her off, confident in her statement.

"You can't actually believe he would do something like this." Gonzalez's assistant agreed.

"Oh no. Gonzalez would never attack a base unprovoked." Simmons said snarkily.

Using context clues and a tiny bit of mind reading, Wanda found out that Gonzalez had previously attacked Coulson's original base and claimed it for all of SHIELD. Then he put himself and his little committee in charge. So Wanda understood the frustration.

"Robert did not do this." Gonzalez's assistant argued.

"How can you be sure?" May asked.

"He brought her a gift." Wanda said. "He wouldn't do that if he was just going to shoot her."

The assistant gave a confused look.

"How did you know that?"

"I saw you give it to him before we landed." Wanda replied. "You're not very stealthy."

After a moment, the assistant resumed what she planned to say.

"Exactly. He went to great lengths for me to get a gift for Jaiying. A peace offering." She explained.

"I agree." Coulson added. "Gonzalez was smarter than this. It's too sloppy."

"I recommend we respond with a strong show of force." The assistant declared.

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