Chapter 1

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The school bell rang around noon, signifying the start of summer vacation. However, for Kyle Writhe and his peers, it signified their last day as junior high schoolers. When school started again, they would all be first year high schoolers. While everyone around him was nervously excited, Kyle was completely neutral about it. He never saw what the fuss was about. It would just be the same as junior high, just in a bigger building.

As he walked home, for he had the luxury of living down the road, he overheard two girls from his class talking.

"I can't wait for the pool party! It'll be such a nice way for all of us to spend time together before going to separate schools," a girl with a blonde ponytail commented.

"Yeah, I'm honestly surprised all of the graduating class agreed to the idea," the other girl with wavy hazel hair replied.

"Well, all except for Kyle," the blonde sighed. "Are you really sure he said no?"

"Would I lie to you?" the hazel haired girl posed.

She then noticed Kyle walking slowly past them.

"There he is right there," she continued. "Look, I'll prove it to you."

She ran up to Kyle, who stopped dead in his tracks.

"Have you at all reconsidered taking up my offer to come to the pool party?" she asked him.

"N-no," Kyle shyly replied. "I'm alright."

The hazel haired girl turned to the ponytail girl.

"I told you he didn't want to come," she remarked in a sassy tone.

She went back over to her, and they turned the conversation over to party planning. Kyle took it as his cue to continue on walking.

As he walked, he vividly remembered the conversation he had with the hazel haired girl about the party the first time. He was about to head to his next class when she asked him if he'd like to attend a pool party she was hosting for all graduates of Dragon Hault Junior High. In an incredibly meek tone, he told her he would pass on the offer. Despite this, she kept on pestering him to come. Kyle kept on denying, hoping she'd give up asking. She eventually did and left rather offended.

Kyle sighed heavily. He just couldn't bring himself to attend a social event like that. He also wasn't really friends with anyone in his class, and would feel awkward just being there by himself.

Arriving home, his parents greeted him at the door. Kyle gave them his report card to mull over as he went to the fridge to get himself a soda. He didn't feel the need to witness their reactions given he always made the grade and nothing really surprised them anymore.

With soda in hand, he went into his bedroom and pulled out a book he kept hidden deep under his bed. The book in question was titled, Essentials of Magic Vol. 1, a book all the way from Mahoroth, a place that was built upon the use of magic. He had obtained it as a gift from his cousin, Lillian, when she attended Evandow, a school in Mahoroth that focused on magic. She had raised the money by doing odd jobs around the connecting city of Magistrate. She did these jobs as a way to give her something to do during non-school hours as she liked to be busy. He even kept the note she included and everything.

Kyle and Lillian had had a special bond with each other for as long as he could remember. Despite Lillian being older, her and Kyle had done almost everything together. This bond came about from the fact that they were the black sheep of their cousins' age group. Kyle kept to himself and was rather quiet whereas his cousins were rowdy and extroverted. As for Lillian, she was a bookworm who was into fantasy and magic compared to her sporty, down to earth cousins. This fondness of hers is what ultimately sparked her decision to enroll in Evandow.

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