Chapter 20: The Sleeping Forgiver

Start from the beginning

"In a way, yes."

"Well, what is it?"

I close the restroom door, padding to the vanity. My reflection greets me, and I shiver. All these scars. They're so ugly and unsightly. I don't like them, but then I remember how she had touched them. So sweetly and softly. Unfazed. She hadn't been afraid or disgusted. Could she truly be holy?

"Did you hear me?" Compress's voice cuts through my thoughts abruptly.

I blink, crashing back into myself. "What?"

"I'll take that as a no," he sighs. "Nonetheless. Mirage and Blain."

I knit my brows. "What about them?" Hearing their names still pisses me off.

"There has been a sighting of them near the building."

"And?" I turn, leaning against the vanity, crossing an arm over my chest. "So, what?"

Honestly, I don't understand why he's calling me with this, or why he's even bringing it up. Those two made their choice and left. Unless they're returning to pledge their loyalty to me, then I don't give a shit where they are.

I sigh, "Compress, what's your point? Are they here to stop playing their stupid game?"

"No, I don't believe so." His tone sounds unsure.

"Then why are we having this discussion?"

I'm tired and bored here, and there is a beautiful woman in my bed. And I much rather be laying next to her over talking about those two assholes. This conversation is only making my blood boil.

"I figured you would want to know," he answers. "As of now, their intentions are unclear. No one knows why they're here or what they're doing. They might even be planning to ambush us."

I snort. "With what reinforcements? Even with lone lowlifes, they can't go against our numbers, and it's not as if they can go to the authorities."

"I suppose you are right."

He almost sounds considerate of what I said, but in the end, I can't take my mind off Illika. Sprawled across my bed, soundly sleeping. I much rather be next to her, listening as she breathes, and watching as she dreams. That is what I would rather be doing.

"Still," he says, "don't you feel as though we should at least up security?"

"Against those two? I don't see the need." And I don't. They might look big and intimidating, but I don't fear them. No one should. Still, Compress insists.

"Perhaps, but I can't shake this feeling that these two are more capable than anyone is giving them credit for."

I roll my eyes. "Fine, fine. Do what you think is best. Up security. I don't care. Just...I want to lay back down."

There is a pause, then: "Wait, were you sleeping?"

"Yes." I had been, then I saw her, and I couldn't keep myself from gazing at her.

There's another pause. "You were actually sleeping?"

"Like a baby. May I get back to that?"

"Oh, uh, yes, yes. By all means! I will handle the security measures. Please, get some rest."


I hang up, sighing.

Mirage and Blain. I thought they'd be lurking around. I doubt they even left. I bet they've been on the property this whole time, living somewhere on the land. Maybe in some little makeshift campsite, they threw together. Wherever they've been, I can't say I care too much.

Compress can worry and stress over them all he wants, but I'm not going to concern myself with them. I don't care. If those two start any trouble or become a real threat, then I'll just do what I wanted to do to them the day they left.

I'll kill them. Easy.

But for now, they aren't a threat. I'm not in the least bit worried. All that is flashing through my mind is the image of Illika sleeping in my bed, and I want very much so to return to her.

So, that's what I do.

**Ello lovelies! A little Shiggy POV today. Seems he had quite a bit on his mind, all revolving around Illika. Any thoughts as to why? I'm sure y'all already know why. That said, Mirage and Blain are back...ish. Any idea if this means anything? If so, any idea as to what? Feel free to take a gander! Well, where I'm from, it's really starting to heat up. Looking at the 70s and low 80s this week. I'd say we're heading well on our way to summer. It's only May and I'm already saying that lol. Well, enough for today. As always, thank y'all so much for all the support! Y'all are awesome sauce! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

Her Forgotten ~Tomura Shigaraki x OC AU~Where stories live. Discover now