My Flame ;; Solitango fluff

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Jimmy was being chased; he accidentally hit a zombie piglin while trying to hit a normal piglin.

“Great job, Jim! Now youʼve got a death sentence on your back,” he exclaimed, running towards the portal. Once he got to it, he turned around to see a tsunami of zombie piglin.


And he disappeared into the purple waves of the portal to home.

Ah, yes. Home.

Something was wrong, though. He couldn’t point out what.

It was too silent, that’s for sure.

“It wouldn’t hurt to kill some pigs,” he heard a voice talk from behind his spruce house, stairs for its roof.

“Who’s there? Show yourself,” Jim shouted out, which made the stranger squeak.

“Show yourself first,” the other exclaimed in reply to him.

Jim took a step left with his sword, to the other person it looked like he popped out of the house wall, and was immediately concerned.

The stranger had gold-blonde hair going to what seems to be the sun, crimson-red eyes that looked somewhat tired, and his blazing tail and cracked obsidian-coated hands suggested that he was a blaze hybrid.


Blaze hybrid.

“Well, I’m Tango,” the new face stopped Jim’s thoughts, “what’s your name?”

“Oh–uh…Jimmy. Why are you here? This is my house.”

“I guess I saw the smoke and thought this was a safe spot, and I needed someone to talk to after travelling thousands of blocks.”

“I understand, I just was concerned about how you came here,” Jim turned to the campfire he set to find his house whenever he was lost. “Makes sense now.”

They got to know each other more, and they grew to be comfortable with each other. Tango helped Jimmy and Jimmy helped Tango. Wherever one was the other wouldn’t be far. They were inseparable.

Then came one day, something was bothering Tango. And it definitely was visible.

“Tango,” Jim called out, struggling to move with the bushes everywhere, “what are you doing out here?”

Tango–who was sitting on a cliff, watching as the sun set–turned to the Brit. “Oh, just watching the sunset. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Jimmy sat next to Tango, “…you’re right,” he looked up to the sky, “the sky is the color of your eyes, y’know that?”

The American looked up to the sky, “Yeah, you can say that.”

Silence filled the atmosphere as Tango inched slowly next to Jim.

“Jimmy,” the Brit turned his head to look at Tango’s eyes, “do you think it’s alright?”

“What is alright?”

“Me being friends with you.”

“I don’t care what anyone thinks,” Jim cupped Tango’s face with one of his hands, “I will go to the end of the world just to prove that you mean everything to me.”

Tango’s red eyes looked like a bottle of wine after hearing what he told him. Carefully, Tango pulled his legs from hanging of the cliff to look at the other properly and kneel. Jim did the same after removing his hand.

“Jimmy, it’s just that I’m worried for you.”

Jim smiled, “Don’t be,” he stroked Tango’s hair, placing his hand behind his ear once he reached to the farthest point, “you don’t need to.”

Tango tilted his head slightly, “Why?”

Jim chuckled, “Well, you silly sausage,” he leaned in closer to Tango’s face to–to his surprise–kiss him.

As their lips met, Tango found himself melting into the kiss, slowly shifting backwards while he closed his eyes. Jimmy broke from the kiss and whispered, “I love you.”


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