TMBTAPOWK 2 re-upload

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hand coordination is dead

• attempted suicide
• one cuss

Following her tasks, Cleo set off into the village–which was absolutely crowded for some reason.

Oh, it was Market Monday, right.

Among the many people, she saw who she was looking for. Except it was too late. Joe was headed for the river. In a rush, she pushed several persons out of her way to Joe.

A few push-and-pulls later, Joe was at the riverbank, with Cleo not far behind.

By the time Cleo arrived at the river, he had already jumped into the ice-cold waters.


She leapt into the water to save Joe, getting hit by exceedingly air-conditioned water for the first time in 13 years. Not being able to see, multiple stones hit her on her right leg and her side, but she still tried to rescue the one person who would murder the village to help his friend.

Eventually, Cleo caught Joe by his leg and made it to the riverbank painfully slowly.

He wasn’t breathing, but to Cleo, that didn’t mean he was dead. She used her powers to forcefully make his heart start beating as she removed any water that went into his lungs.

Joe is alive.

That’s what Cleo officially concluded after Joe sat up properly and spit water and punched her face. Both respectively on her face.

“That’s how you thank a person who just saved you?”

“Says the one who decided to save a stranger!”

“Oh, please, Joe. You needed–”

Joe’s eyes widened. “You know my name. Who are you?”

“Don’t bother with the logic, but I’m Cleo. From the future, to be more specific.”

Joe shifted his eyes onto Cleo’s side, which was covered by her hand, “You seriously did not have to do that.” Cleo smirked smugly, “Oh, but I did. I’m here because–long story short–it all went to shit. And it all started with you.

“The town discovered my magic not long after you drowned, which leads to a trail of other dead people. Crazy, yes, but it is the truth.”

“Huh, so you travelled back in time to come and keep me from dying?” Joe raised an eyebrow. “That’s all?”

“And keep everyone from dying. Like a guardian angel, a physical from-the-future guardian angel.”

Skip to a month later, and everyone is alive and doing well, even Cleo from the past was accepted by the town, thanks to Cleo from the future.

WC: 404

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