Take Me Back To A Place Only We Know ;; Cleo angst

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asked one of my mother's friends for an idea. she told me "time travel" so now we're here.

also Cookie Run: Kingdom is in this shit.
so is Oneshot. (yeah that one depressing ass game where you play as a 4th wall breaking cat)

also i might do p2 of sacrificing it all, thoughts?

Beta-reader: Kace_KC


•  death
•  mentioned suicide

It was gone. The whole town was turning into ashes. Screams of children and adults alike echoed over the flames.


This was all her fault. She started it, she went insane, she was the reason the people burned alive.

But she didnʼt admit it. She just ran away and into the forest.

Cleo, please!

Cleo didnʼt look back; she couldnʼt. Not sure what was controlling her, she continued.

“We know you didnʼt mean it! Joe wouldnʼt-”

Something happened to the person calling Cleo, which made her hesitate to drift off. When she turned around, one of her childhood friends, Etho, had a spike come from the ground through his stomach. “E-Etho, I-”



“Go! As far as you can,” Etho exclaimed, then immediately coughed out blood when he finished the sentence. “Please,” he whispered.

Etho knew how much it hurt Cleo to see her brother-like friend get injured by her own powers. Her reaction was only the surface of the process of understanding what was happening. She backed up, and ran toward the forest again. Nothing but forward, she kept telling herself in her head. Forward.

Then she woke up in her bed. Cleo realized that she was hyperventilating, and calmed down after a few deep breaths.

“Good morning, sleepyhead!”

Gem, a woman with ginger hair, freckles, green eyes, and a scar that went from her nose bridge to the side of her neck, smiled as she entered the room. “How was your sleep?”

“Well,” Cleo squealed while they stretched, “same old nightmare,” they sighed when their arms hit the bed under them.

“No use?” She shook their head. Gem sighed and walked toward the bed to sit next to Cleo who had her arms crossed. “I know Joe leaving like that is hard for you to comprehend.”

Cleo flinched at Joeʼs name. “He didnʼt even say a goodbye, Gem. He just jumped in the river in the morning with no explanation as to why, and now Iʼm left to fend for myself while Joe is six feet underground!”

“Hey,” Gem put a hand on Cleoʼs back, “he was going through things we didnʼt know. Itʼs not your fault.”

“So he goes to drown himself. Great way to help himself and I.”

Gem looked to the floor, sorrow clearly filled the atmosphere. She looked like she wanted to say something, but all that came out was a sigh.

“Alright, I will be on my way to the land of nowhere,” Cleo said jokingly as they stood up and took her bag, her smirk revealed her yellow teeth that they didnʼt bother hiding. “Need anything?”

“Your safety,” Gemʼs bland tone sent shivers down Cleoʼs spine, but she didnʼt show it. Cleo turned around and winked, “Iʼll see what I can do.”

She was on her way to do what–she thought–she had to do.

The moon reminded her of too many things.

She needed to rewrite her mistakes.

Etho and Grian died because of her.

Joe got injured badly multiple times trying to protect her.

Scar died tricking the village she was in for her to stay alive.

Wels and Jevin both died protecting her.

All for what?

So many people died.

It was her fault.

Cleo arrived at a white circle in a forest near where she was, surrounded by words that werenʼt understandable unless you were taught by the heart of the best witches and enchanters. They put their bag down and rummaged through it, eventually pulling a plastic bag with crystals in it, then she put the crystals around the circle–which all shone when the last crystal was placed. They went to the middle of the circle once she put everything in place, her surroundings started to glimmer and let out effects of light.

Time travel spell.

At this point, Cleo knew she couldnʼt go back. She closed her eyes as the spell did its thing, making noises and wind blow harder.

Then it stopped.

Birds chirped, and light seeped through their eyelids, the sound of trees rustling put a smile on Cleoʼs face, they giggled as a light breeze hit their face.

They opened their eyes and saw where they were.

The forest.

She turned to her right and ran off.

Eventually she was at the outskirts of the village. She could see Scar, Bigb and Grian from there, her smile wider than ever. Literally.

There was only one task she put in her head: prevent everything bad from happening.

Starting off with keeping Joe alive.

WC: 755

im gonna have to split this into parts o7

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