"You don't know until you find out. Besides, Auntie Rorey stole your mother from your Uncle Oliver. History always repeats itself."

  I rolled my eyes, "So, that means we are going to have some hot fantasy before I settle down with my significant other? I mean, your mom and my mom did."

  Alona grinned, "You wouldn't even get a chance with me, Lilah. I'm quite hard to handle. Besides, I'm making it my duty this summer to get you with my short-tempered cousin. Besides, she needs to leave Emily alone."

The name took me back. I didn't know that Alona knew anything about Emily. I mean sure they both were on the cheer team and they probably had a few conversations here and there but I didn't think she knew anything about Rosalie and Emily.

  "How do you know about them?"

  "Everyone knows. They've been together since 6th grade. How did you not?"

  I raised an eyebrow, "6th grade? I just thought they were close friends."

Alona snickered as we arrived in front of the school. To our luck, the whole school was outside and the doors seemed to close and Alona and I were definitely happy at this.

  "What the hell is going on?" I asked as both Alona and I got out of the car and walked up to the crowd.

We stopped by OJ and our other friend, Lucas. They both were chatting over football and something about the summer. 9 times out of 10, just stupid stuff.

  "Uh, the teachers are on strike and no students are allowed in school until a teacher is willing to teacher them. So, we are waiting to see if school will be canceled today." Lucas spoke up,

  "Hopefully school is canceled. I could use a break from this all." Alona points out.

I sent her a comforting smile as Oj and Lucas just looked at us weirdly. Most likely because they didn't know what was going on with Alona and her parents.

Lucas just looked away and over towards the group that was across from us. He then nudged me into my side before grinning.

I looked over towards the group before my eyes caught Rosalie's. I then drifted my eyes towards Josh that stood next to her.

He was smirking at me. Maybe a little too much.

It didn't take long before he started to make his way over towards us.

I looked over at Alona and she was just as shocked as I was.

Following him were the others in his group. They seemed to all be just as worried as Alona, Lj, and Oj were.

When he got here he smiled and reached for my hand as I just looked at him. This had to be a dream or he must have hit his head hard.

  "Hi, I'm Joshua killington. I am on the basketball team and you have taken my interest." He grinned at me.

  "He's lost his marbles. We'll be going." Rosalie says as she tries to pull him away and go on about her day but he doesn't budge.

  "Nonsense, I want to talk to this beauty." He says.

I smiled at him before taking his hand as he raised it up to his lips to kiss. He shot a wink at me before a blush roamed my face.

I could tell Alona rolled her eyes just at the way her body language changed. She was irritated but I didn't care. I liked the attention. It felt weird considering I didn't get much of this in my life.

  "You wanna grab something to eat after this whole school thing is settled out?" He asked me looking directly in my eyes.

I was nervous. It felt weird. I've never looked someone in the eye romantically before. It had always just been my family or Alona.

My palms were sweaty and I was turning into a nervous wreck. I couldn't believe how much of an idiot I was being. Get it together, Delilah!

  "I would love-"

My voice was interrupted by myself when Rosalie slapped Josh and I's hands apart as Emily sat there with a smirk.

She looked at Josh and glared before rolling her eyes. She then looked over at me with her teeth practically bleeding through her lip.

  "Can I speak with you?" She asked harshly,

I was a little scared of her. I mean the girl was known for the fights she caused at this school and she literally just smacked the hell out of my hand; which hurted like hell.

If I was me; which I was; I would go with her. To save my life of course.

  "Uhh...sure, why n-"

She pulled my arm and led me over towards a more distant spot than from our friends. I looked over at Alona for help but she was just grinning with a lollipop in her mouth.

Where the hell did she get the lollipop?

  "You can't go on a date with him." She says plainly,

  "Why can't I? He seems nice, and although I'm not looking...dating seems like something I'm interested in." I explained to her.

She had a fixed stare, like she was trying to solve some puzzle. She even looked uninterested in what I was saying to the most, I was boring her.

  "Find someone else." She says before she tried to walk off but I grabbed her arm,

She looked at my hand on her arm and I immediately pulled it away. I was too damn scared to keep hold on her.

  "I..." I started trying to figure out if I was going to take the disrespectful approach or the safe one, "I can date whoever I want."

  She narrowed her eyes, "He's only trying to play you. He said it himself, he wants sex and that's it. He'll break your heart."

  "You care because?" I asked

  She scoffed, "I'm just warning you. You're no one special. If it was any other girl I would warn them as well."

I nodded fully understanding. I then pushed past her as my shoulder bumped against hers. I walked up towards the group and I smiled brightly at Josh.

  "A date sounds nice."

Josh grinned before looking over at Rosalie and held up his thumb. Rosalie rolled her eyes before walking off in the other direction.

  "Way to go genius." Alona rolled her eyes before grabbing my arm and pulling me away from the others.

I waved Josh goodbye as Lj and Oj followed Alona and I.

  "You had one job and you fucked it up. Good job, Lilah. Good job."

  "You wanted me to date someone and I'm giving Josh a chance. What are you mad about?" I rolled my eyes.

Just as Alona was about to speak, a car pulled up in front of us.

  "Get in." The voice says as we all turned.

It was my aunt Cora. I hadn't seen her in a while.

  "What's going on?" I asked,

  "Your mothers sent for you. It's time we talked about the BMMC." She says at once.

Alona and I exchanged looks before raising our eyebrows.

Poisoned GameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora