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"oh dior," george groaned as he laid on his bed. he was stressed out and the only person- thing, he could talk to was his chameleon. "what do i even do? i've been ignoring him for days now, and now i'm supposed to invite him as my date to my parents party at the courthouse?"

dior was paying no attention. he was just munching on a leaf.

george got up and walked over to dior's enclosure. he sat down next to it and looked inside, seeing his pet being blissfully unbothered by the distress that george was experiencing. "you're so lucky," he commented to the reptile as he observed him. "you don't have to worry about anything," george envied, "you just get to hang on the ceiling and eat and look cute."

dior was living in luxury. he had a huge, tall enclosure with all live plants so he could have a snack whenever he wanted. he had places to hide and climb, and he had the whole place to himself with nobody to disturb him.

george was so worked up that he was talking to his chameleon. a literal lizard who didn't give a singular fuck about him. nonetheless, george loved him; he really got his mind off of things sometimes and george could talk to him without being actively judged.

he needed to ask clay to the stupid summer celebration before it was too late. if he waited too long, there would be no time for clay to calm down and be less mad that george was ignoring him. essentially, the earlier george asked him, the less awkward it would be.

george thought about it all day. he read the numerous texts from clay repetitively so he could figure out how to respond. he had no idea how clay found out that jace and locklyn were brothers, but he was kind of glad he found out on his own. george really didn't want to have to tell him.

first, he had to apologize for ignoring him. then he had to worry about asking him to the party. both would be incredibly difficult and stressful.

after lots of typing, deleting, retyping, and questioning every word he wrote, george sent his first text.

i'm sorry i haven't been answering you.

he hoped clay was awake to see it; or maybe he didn't. he really couldn't decide.

clay answered a few minutes later, why didn't you?

george sent a lame excuse, i really didn't know what to say. he texted him again, can i call you?

yeah, clay approved. calling was easier for both of them.

after taking a few deep breaths, george called clay. it hurt him seeing how far clay had moved down on his contact list- he used to always be the last person george texted or called.

clay picked up after only a few seconds. he greeted, "hey."

"hi," george replied. "i'm really sorry," he apologized sincerely.

"it's okay," clay reassured even though it had been driving him crazy. "i was being a bitch last time we talked," he acknowledged.

george hesitated with his question, "were you- um," he paused, "drunk?"

"no," clay lied as convincingly as he could. "just letting my emotions get the best of me. i'm really bad with that."

"i get it," george related. clay gets overwhelmed by his emotions and can't control them while george gets overwhelmed by his emotions and keeps them all bottled up. he mentioned, "so you found out about jace and locklyn?"

"oh, yeah." clay sympathized, "that's awful, george. i'm sorry for trying to push you to tell me."

swallowing a lump in his throat, george spoke again, "it's okay." he hated being pressured like that, but he brushed it off. he really couldn't handle being upset with clay anymore. "how did you find out?" he wondered.

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