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once clay's nose finally stopped bleeding, his mom cooked dinner for everyone. charlotte refused to leave the couch, so she didn't join everyone else at the dinner table. george found it a bit weird to eat dinner while a crime documentary played, but at least the food was good.

as soon as caylee took her last bite of her dinner, she was rushing to the front door. clay and george were still eating, and they weren't about to give themselves a stomach ache by eating too quickly, so they made caylee wait another couple minutes which seemed agonizing for her.

clay's mom went to get ready to go to dinner with george's mom while clay and george purposely ate very slowly to piss caylee off. it wasn't even seven- it was barely six-thirty.

"why are you in such a rush?" clay asked while caylee sat on the stairs near the front door.

"i want to get away from you two," caylee explained. "george, it's nothing personal, but it's kind of gross to see my brother being so painfully in love and all... gushy."

"your friends told me that you were gossiping about us," clay exposed. on the last day of school, caylee invited a ton of her friends over, and clay had george over. caylee and her friends practically turned into a fan-club for clay and george that night. "gossiping in a good way- i don't think you hate us as much as you say you do."

"i don't hate either of you, i just don't like when you guys will start flirting and kissing when i'm right in front of you," caylee disclosed.

"we don't do that," clay claimed, causing a hum of disagreement to come from george.

"we kinda do," george argued.

caylee smiled when george admitted to their sappy behavior. "see- at least george can admit it," she praised.

time passed and seven o'clock rolled around. clay's mom had already left, and charlotte was still on the couch. she got up to get more popcorn, but other than that she hadn't moved. george feared that she was plotting a murder and was watching all of those documentaries to avoid the mistakes that caused the murderers to get caught. he was definitely overthinking, but it made sense in his mind.

clay kept his word and reserved the front seat of his car for george, forcing caylee to sit in the back. she wasn't too thrilled; it was kind of embarrassing to be sitting by yourself in the backseat as a fifteen-year old. she didn't complain too much, though. to balance it out, clay let her play her own music which consisted of one direction songs that clay hadn't heard in years. if the drive wasn't only five minutes, he probably wouldn't have allowed it.

the sound of a seatbelt unbuckling was heard before clay even entered the driveway, and caylee's hand was on the door handle before the car was parked. she yanked on it until clay unlocked the doors, startling herself when the door suddenly flew open. she climbed out and shut the door, turning over her shoulder as she walked to the front door of her friend's house.

clay had rolled the window down, so caylee decided to yell to him before she went inside. "bye lovebirds- don't eat each other's lips off."

an eye roll was clay's initial response, but he then grabbed george by the chin and planted a kiss on his cheek to spite his judgmental sister. she visibly gagged, looking away and ringing the doorbell.

"she doesn't actually hate us," clay assured. caylee had talked with clay about his relationship with george many times, and she was even one of their biggest advocates before they got together.

"i know," george responded, "she just doesn't want to admit it."

clay smiled as he pulled out of the driveway. he loved how well george and caylee truly got along- even though caylee acted like she was appalled by george and clay. "should we grab food while we're out?" clay asked.

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