"Maybe this " I paused , then placed one of my burner phones on the table , sliding it over for Mark to see , "will make you re-think your decision " I continued , his hand trembled as he reached over to grab the iPhone.

I watched as his face fell and a look of horror took over his feature , he watched the screen that showed a live video of his wife blindfolded and tied up. She was unconscious but still very much alive , I knew him seeing this would make him change his mind.

He gulped slowly as he set the phone back down "Please don't hurt her  .. I'll accept the proposal" he muttered as tears welled up in his eyes.

A big grin took over my face "Perfect!, I've got the papers right here all you have to do is sign at the bottom" I spoke cheerfully , handing him the documents and a gold and black fountain pen.

He let out a shaky breath , before sitting down and signing his name "I promise Mark , we're gonna be such a good team , you won't regret it" I went on. He placed the pen down and handed the papers back over to me .

I scanned through them , making sure he had signed every part then with a nod I stood up and reached over .

He flinched slightly as I held my hand out causing me to smile at his blatant fear  - he hesitantly took my hand and shook it "Pleasure doing business with you" I stated before taking my gun off the table and tucking it back in the waistband of my pants.

I smoothed out my jacket and then made my way back out the room , I stepped back in the elevator and made it back down to the lobby.

My phone began to vibrate in my pocket as I made my way back over to my car that was parked outside.

I pulled it out and held it up to me ear "Yo" I spoke into the mic , "Boss , we got a situation back at the warehouse" the voice came from , Silas , one of my personal body guards. My eyebrows furrowed slightly "Whatchu mean ..?" I asked , confused.

He continued "Its your mother and father again , she's -" I let out a deep sigh , he didn't even have to finish his sentence I already knew what was happening "I'm on my way , keep my mom and dad separated .. make sure my mom don't go in the basement" I demanded as i got into the drivers seat.

Silas responded once more "Yes sir" before ended the call , I cursed under my breath before putting my car in drive and zooming off the warehouse.

• • •

I pulled up to the side of the building and jumped out the car , I jogged up to the door , "Amiri get the fuck away from me forreal" I heard my mom yell from inside . I rolled my eyes and walked through the open door "Desiree , baby , calm down " My dad tried to reason , followed by a loud smack.

I walked further in to see my mom smacking and pounding on my dads chest as he tried to restrain her , I walked over and took hold of my moms hand "Mom , calm down .. it's me.. it's me" I spoke carefully , trying to calm her down.

She stopped her assault on my dads body and fell into my chest , I held her in my arms as she let out a loud sob .

I hugged her and looked over her shoulder at my dad who ran a hand down his face in frustration "Everybody out!" I bellowed , instructing everyone to leave, not wanting them to see my mom like this.

Everybody inside began to clear out apart from my dad , My mom pulled away from me as she wiped the tears from her face. "He did something .. he did something" she repeated as she looked up at me with tear stained cheeks.

I looked into her eyes even more confused than before "Who mom?" I asked , she pointed to my dad "He d-did s-something to Semaj , I don't know what he did but somethings not right .. somethings not right." She stumbled over her words , stuttering between her them.

I looked up to the ceiling and sighed , "Mom Semaj died a year ago , he got shot back in Brooklyn before we moved .. remember?" I verbalized as i took hold of her shoulders.

Semaj was my brother, he was my parents first child , and my dads second in command. He was perfect for the job , ruthless and strong but he was also stubborn as hell . He believed he was invincible , he wouldn't take his security with him when he went anywhere.

My dad would always tell him to bring at least one but he would always say no , so one day when he went out to meet with one of my dads partners he was set up and shot and killed , right outside our home. My mom was the one that found him on the ground laying in a pool of blood.

She told us that his last moment was short but the last thing he managed to say was "Make sure Jas and Zani good and please take care of my daughter mama .. please make sure her and Ivy always straight .. p-please .." and then he closed his eyes for the last time

He was rushed to the hospital but he didn't survive the surgery , after his death my mom went mute . She didn't speak to anyone , she wouldn't eat or drink and she locked herself in her room for days. Even after Maj's funeral she only spoke a little bit and from then she was just never the same.

She looked around , looking lost "W-what , n-no" she cried as she shook her head and fell to her knees "No, no he didn't , I saw him this morning"she mumbled .

My dad walked over to help her up "Baby , it's okay " he went to touch her shoulder , she flinched away "Get away from me " she shouted .

I signaled for my dad to step back as i reached down and helped her up "Cmon mom , ima get Silas to take you home , okay?" I whispered .

She nodded slowly as she stood back up on her feet , "walk out the door and he's gonna be there waiting for you" I spoke gently as she nodded once more "O-okay" she uttered .

I placed a small kiss on her cheek before she walked away and out through the door.

I turned to my dad "You gotta bring her to that therapist pops " I spoke after a moment of silence. He smacked his teeth "Mizani , miss me with that bullshit mane" he dismissed me .

I scrunched up my face "Fuck you mean ? , look at the typa shit she doing she can't keep having these outbursts" I exclaimed . My dad shook his head "Nah she not going to no shrink , she ain't a damn crazy person" he shot back.

I let out a deep sigh "Ight whatever man, but it's gone be on you if she hurts someone or even worse.. herself " I mumbled before walking back out and towards my car.

I hopped inside and drove away and out of the lot , I sped down the road and in the direction of my house . I need a day off from this shit.



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- chichibean 😚

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