Chapter 61 | Nomination

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King's point of view

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King's point of view.

"No Reid it's been six months and no one can track her, how does that make sense? Do you know who we are? This shouldn't be possible." I yelled at him as he stood in front of me like he couldn't care less. "Listen, you're right it's been six months but you have to understand, we can't find her like this. We've been chasing dead ends. She clearly doesn't want to be found, King, we have bigger problems right now." I went to tell him off but my phone rang in my pocket. I pulled it out and it was Beverly. I placed her speaker as Reid jumped to sit on the counter. "Hey Beverly, how are you?" I asked calmly. "Cut the small talk, check the news." I looked at Reid lost, before we walked to my living room and turned on the tv. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Today's topic is the top three Nominees for The Academic Global Surgeon Award. Jocelyn Monet, Fergus Black, and my all time favorite Dr. Francesca Romano. Speaking of, today Dr. Romano has opened the biggest hospital known in all of Germany." Behind the man stood a video of Francesca cutting a big red bow around a hospital, with the biggest smile ever. "Giovanni Romano Memorial, sits on 43 acres of land. Dr. Romano will be the owner, chief and Head of Neurosurgery, as she passes her hospital 'Romano Medical Center', back in Venice, Italy to her dear friend Dr. Monet." The green screen video paused as the camera panned out to show Francesca sitting next to the news anchor. "No way." Reid whispered as I fell back to sit on the couch where Bear was sleeping.

"Dr. Romano is here to explain how she feels to get nominated and why she left Italy for beautiful Germany. Francesca?" She chuckled and looked into the camera. "Well Charles, it feels amazing to be nominated, no matter the turn out I'm happy either way. I'm doing this for you guys not for awards. As to why I left Italy my home, I left on impulse to see a new way in life. Someone very dear to me once told me Germany was a nice place for a run away. I left behind a lot of amazing things and so many people but to leave Italy was the best thing ever." Her smile was the same as when she left. The one I dream about. "Do you have family here?" She looked to her left off camera.

"I have my bodyguard, Chuck. But no, no family. This is live so I'm sure by tomorrow morning all my family will be here." She was right, I sure as hell will be on a flight over right now. "Well everyone, that's the story of Francesca. Now to today's weather." Reid turned around to look at me, in shock. "King, are you still there?" Beverly asked, as I forgot she was on the line. "Get Jocelyn and Vanessa, we leave tonight." I hung up and looked at Reid. "What were those bigger problems again?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. "I'll go pack with Gabby." He said walking out of the house.


"The jet is ready sir." Vanessa, Jocelyn, Beverly, Gabby, Reid, Bear, and I all gathered on the private jet as fast as we could. Bear laid at my feet as we all sat, waiting to be up in the air. "So what's the plan when we see her?" Beverly asked, causing everyone to look at me. I didn't think about all that. "We probably won't find her until tomorrow night at the Ceremony. So Jocelyn will see her first in the back since you are a nominee. Then after the rest can say and do what they want." I ran my hand over my mouth as I let out a deep breath. "And you?" Gabby asked as the jet took off. "I don't know." I admitted. I spent six months losing my mind back in Italy looking for her. I let people walk for shit they should be dead for because of her. My hands numb from boxing. She's smart to leave, she knows everyone here believes she couldn't take a breath out of Venice. After month four, everyone around me gave up. Half the people here thought she was dead. Beverly was the only one who looked and kept faith with me. She wanted her back almost as much as I did.

She left telling me she loved me yet that didn't feel like enough. When she left she took my heart with her. I sat in my house all day and only went out to walk Bear or go to the gym. I had a copy of the key to her house and I went over every two weeks to clean and put fresh baby breath flowers in her room thinking she'd show up. Beverly would leave notes on her bed, waiting as well. It was twice a month though as she's back to work. She invited me to several of her shows but I never had it in me. I wanted my girl back.

Jocelyn didn't forget her either. She kept the hospital in Francesca's name and always talked to the staff as if she'd be back any day. I regret every day that I didn't put the land in my name as well. If I did I would've got notified the moment she started building. My heart stings knowing I couldn't find her. Why didn't I look further? How was she right under my nose, and I didn't check?" It's all my fault.

 Why didn't I look further? How was she right under my nose, and I didn't check?" It's all my fault

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