The Beginning

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Soooo... hey, lovelies! Wattpad decided to ban my OneArtsyGamer03 account... which is so great am I right


It's fine! Totally fine. Right now, I'm just focusing on republishing all my old stories. They will be left unedited, as I'm going to be publishing new, fresh versions of these stories anyway so there's not really any point in editing these ones. I just wanna get them back up for you all to find.

That being said, I will not be editing anything or fixing anything in these old stories since I'm writing up new better versions of these anyway! So I'm just gonna be copying and pasting the chapters, leaving in all author notes and everything. <3

Also! I'm also going to be copying this message into all my old stories so if you see it again that's why

Without further delay, welcome home, lovelies.


Moana is Ari, pronounced: "uh-rye"

It means "the friendly song of the deep waters" ^-^

I hope that name is alright!

Without further delay, our new story begins!


Third Person P.O.V

A bright blue ocean comes into view as an older woman speaks, the waves occasionally moving with the gentle breeze.

"In the beginning... There was only ocean."

A beautiful woman appears from the ocean, a green hue glowing from her as she smiles softly.

"Until the mother island emerged. Te Fiti."

Te Fiti breathes gently, lowering and raising her arms welcoming as the pattern on her chest glows, lights escaping it.

"Her heart held the greatest power ever known.

The green light travels across the ocean as she waves her arms, islands sprouting from the waters.

"It could create life itself. And Te Fiti shared it with the world."

Te Fiti opens her eyes, looking at the islands with a smile before lying down, becoming an island herself.

"But in time... Some began to seek Te Fiti's heart. They believed if they could possess it, the great power of creation would be theirs."

Monsters appear from the ocean, a large eel, a crab, and small coconuts with angry faces.

"And one day..."

A lone man stands on a ship, a mighty fish hook in his hand. He leaps into the air, changing into a regal hawk.

"The most daring of them all... Voyaged across the vast ocean to take it."

The man flies over the ocean to the island of Te Fiti, looking over the area with narrowed eyes.

"He was a demigod of the wind and sea."

He changes into an iguana as he reaches land, gracefully landing on a tree branch.

"He was a warrior..."

He moves across the branch before jumping down, pausing before changing into a small beetle.

"A trickster..."

He grunts as he nearly gets wedged in between two walls, squeezing past as he follows the glow.

"A shapeshifter who could change form with the power of his magical fish hook."

He changes into his human self, holding his fish hook in his right hand as he faces the heart of Te Fiti.

The Heart of Te FitiWhere stories live. Discover now